Connect FR General System Setup

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Overview of FR001SET

The General System Setup for Connect-FR allows your organization to make certain modifications to the system. You can identify the labels for certain gift fields, establish the system definition of a "large donor", and other settings. To access the General System Setup:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Connect-FR
  • Double-click FR System Setup
  • Double-click General System Setup. You will see this screen:

FR System Setup 1.png

There are four tabs with various fields available for you to modify.

Basic & Display Tab

FR System Setup 2.png

You have the following options on this screen:

Field Description
Connect-FR modules This field indicates the various modules in use beneath the Connect-FR application. This field should only be modified by DDI staff
Gift purpose label/abbreviation This field indicates the label and abbreviation that your organization would like to use for the promotion type field on gifts, extracts, etc.
Gift source label/abbreviation This field indicates the label and abbreviation that your organization would like to use for the promotion source field on gifts, extracts, etc.
First designation label/abbreviation This field indicates the label and abbreviation that your organization would like to use for the Desig 1 field on gifts, extracts, etc.
Second designation label/abbreviation This field indicates the label and abbreviation that your organization would like to use for the Desig 2 field on gifts, extracts, etc.
Display PIN field before Master ID field on entry screens If this option is selected, screens such as Gift Entry will display the PIN (constituent PIN) field first, followed by the Master ID (account ID). If not selected, the Master ID field is first
Gift postal codes checked for validity If selected, the system will validate the postal code entered for reporting purposes on a gift. If it is not selected, the system will not check the ZIP
Automatically generate designation descriptions Check this option to have the system generate the free form designation text based on the first & second designations selected
Warn if a user changes the fiscal year when editing or deleting Selection indicating whether the user should receive a warning if modifying a record in areas such as gifts, miscellaneous revenue, or event receipts in a way that creates general-ledger transactions in a different fiscal year from the original transactions. Connect-FR does not backdate such transactions to the original fiscal year. This warning gives the user an opportunity to abort the operation if desired, but does not prevent it
Default tribute notification Set the default notification type that is displayed when someone in your organization enters a tribute. You can type the code or click the list icon to select from a list of tribute notification codes configured in the system
Default region for invalid or blank zip codes Set the region that is automatically selected for reporting when the ZIP code isn't specified or is invalid for a gift. Type the region code in the field or leave it blank to leave the region unspecified
Default county for invalid or blank zip codes Set the county that is automatically selected for reporting when the ZIP code isn't specified or is invalid for a gift. Type the county code in the field or leave it blank to leave the county unspecified

Financial Tab

FR System Setup 3.png

You have the following options on this screen:

Field Description
Require G/L number for gifts If selected, the system will require that a G/L number be entered for all gifts
Post gifts to General Ledger* If you utilize DDI's FundWriter module, you will want to select this option. If you utilize a different accounting package, leave this box unchecked
Source of gift date You can select the source that the system uses for gift dates when they are entered. Click the drop down arrow to select from one of three options: batch date, batch process date or business date
Source of G/L tran date You can select the source that the system uses for the gift G/L transaction date. Click the drop down arrow to select from one of four options: batch date, batch process date, business date and gift date
Named fund type changes If your organization utilizes Named Funds, you can tell the system what action to take for current year activity if a named fund changes type during the year. Click the drop down arrow to select from two options: leave current year GL activity unchanged or change current year GL activity
G/L tran memo format This setting determines the memo format for GL transactions associated with gifts. Click the drop down arrow to select from three options: Default memo format, Designation Description format or NA Account format

NOTE: If you are changing the "Post gifts to General Ledger, it should ONLY be changed at the end of an accounting period to prevent reconciliation issues. Otherwise, some activity will post and other activity will not.

Analysis Tab

FR System Setup 4.png

You have the following fields available on this tab:

Field Description
Total amount of gifts needed for a 'large donor' Enter the total giving amount that is required before a donor is considered a large donor by your organization
Total number of gifts needed for a 'large donor' Enter the total number of gifts that is required before a donor is considered a large donor by your organization
Months donor lapsed Enter the total number of months that must pass after a donor's most recent gift in order for the system to consider them a lapsed donor
Include soft credit in calculations If selected, the system will include soft credit gifts in calculations for large or lapsed donor analysis

Receipt Options Tab

FR System Setup 5.png

You have the following options on this screen:

Field Description
Upgrade percentage Set the percentage for the system to add to the gift to determine the gift upgrade options to display on the gift receipt
Round upgrade amount to nearest This field tells the system how to round percentages if they are not whole numbers. You can set it to be 1, 5, 10, etc.
Default upgrade amounts If you wish to include default suggestions for gift amounts, you can enter those numbers here. You can enter one, two or three default amounts
AI code for default upgrade You can enter one or multiple AI codes in this field by typing the code or codes, separated by commas, or by clicking the list icon to select from a list of active AI codes in the system. Donors with any of the AI codes in this field will see the default upgrade options rather than having the system calculating upgrade options on their receipts
Maximum name/address block width Set the maximum width of the name/address block on gift receipts
Default recipient This tells the system who should be the default addressee on gift receipts. Click the drop down arrow to select from: Husband, Wife, Both, Primary or Spouse
Allowed address types This field allows you to define the address type codes that are allowed when it comes to gift receipts. Enter the code or codes, separated by commas
Use informal salutations If selected, the system will use informal salutations, regardless of donor preference
Allow seasonal addresses If selected, the system will allow gift receipts to be mailed to addresses that have been set up as seasonal in the constituent or account record

When you have finished making your changes, click Save.