Setting up a Seasonal Address

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We have a donor who has indicated that they have a vacation address that they would like to receive correspondence at. They are at this address for 4 months out of the year. How can we set that up in the system?

What you will do is add a vacation address to the constituent record. Using Name/Address Inquiry, look up the constituent that you wish to modify. When you are on the constituent record, click Edit. On the Contact tab, click the new mailing address icon:

Vacation Address 1.png

On the New address tab, click the drop down arrow and select Vacation address:

Vacation Address 2.png

Click Continue. The tab will now populate with additional fields:

Vacation Address 3.png

Enter the new vacation address information. As with other addresses, the system will populate the city, state, county, region and community as applicable, once you have entered the ZIP code.

In the Address Options area, enter the dates that the resident is at this address:

Vacation Address 4.png

Save the address. If a gift is received or a mailing sent for this donor during the dates entered on this screen, the system will automatically use the vacation address, rather than the primary address.