Named Fund Type Setup

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Overview of FR301SET

To add a new Named Fund type:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Connect FR
  • Double-click Named Funds
  • Double-click Named Fund Type Setup. You will see this screen:

Named Fund Type Setup 1.png

Click the New button on the toolbar. The fields will now activate for editing:

Named Fund Type Setup 2.png

You have the following fields available:

Field Description
Fund type Enter a short code to uniquely identify this fund type
Description Enter a brief description of the fund
Restriction class Click the drop down arrow to select from a list of active restriction classes in the system
Interest rate Enter the interest rate for this fund
Promo type* If you wish to have gifts for this fund type credited with a particular promo type code, enter that code here
Min balance Enter the minimum balance for the fund, if any
Max balance Enter the maximum balance for the fund, if any
Fund type at max If you wish to have the named fund change types when the maximum fund balance is reached, you can set that here. In order to do so, you must have at least one other named fund type configured. Click the drop down arrow to select from a list of active named fund types

NOTE: Fields with a * could have different labels, depending on how your organization chose to configure them.

You will also establish the general ledger account for the following:

  • Revenue (Gifts)
  • Fund balance
  • Interest expense
  • Miscellaneous adjustments

To select the GL account, click in the G/L account field next to the item

Named Fund Type Setup 3.png

Click the icon to the right of the field to launch the GL Account Listing screen. You can also manually key in the GL number. Once the GL number is selected, the Description will populate:

Named Fund Type Setup 4.png

Repeat this step for each of the 4 items. When you have finished entering the information, click Save to add the Named Fund Type.