Category:Accounts Receivable

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The Accounts Receivable programs consist of customer entry, invoice generation, receipt entry, past-due notices, refund processing, and program setups for customer classes, terms, transaction types, taxes, fees, and forms.

Customer Entry adds new customer records or edits existing customer records. Each customer must have a record in the system. Each record contains ten parts: customer account information, name and address information, a transactions listing, information about orders for this customer, information about invoices for this customer, information about payments made by this customer, sales information, order returns information, electronic funds transfer setup (if applicable), and a memo screen.

Invoice generation must take place before an invoice can be printed initially. In addition, if you make changes to a customer’s order or accounts receivable that will affect what that customer owes on a particular invoice, you must regenerate the invoice to update it with the new information. Otherwise, printing will simply reprint the existing version of the invoice.

Invoice entry allows users to create customized invoices independent from the Order Entry function.

Receipts entry is the interface that accommodates all customer payments except order pre¬payments. This is the area to enter order payments (as a result of billing), invoice payments, and payments not derived from orders or invoices.

Past-due notices produces a customized sequence of printable notices that you can use to notify customers with late payments. DDI-Connect can automatically freeze to new orders the accounts of customers proceeding through the entire sequence without remitting payment.

Refund processing enables you to issue payments to customers by check, bank wire, or credit card for open credit balances. If necessary, DDI’s system can require approvals up to multiple levels before issuing refund payments.