Sales Tax Setup

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Overview of AR06

A/R Tax Setup program is used to establish criteria for federal, state, county, and city sales taxes applicable to customer accounts-receivable transactions. A/R Tax Setup is used by Order Entry applications.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Accounts Receivable
  • Double-click Setup
  • Double-click Sales Tax Setup. You will see this screen:

AR Sales Tax Setup 1.png

You can leave the Type set to "All", or click the drop down arrow to select the type of tax you are adding:

AR Sales Tax Setup 2.png

To add a new sales tax, click the Add button on the toolbar. The Tax Code Properties box will appear:

AR Sales Tax Setup 3.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Tax code This is an alphanumeric identifier (up to four characters) representing a single tax rate or taxing authority. For state taxes, the tax code is usually the same as the state code. For county taxes, it is usually the state code followed by a county number assigned by the state (“IN01”, for example}
Expires on If applicable, enter the date that this particular code expires. If this date is blank, this tax code will always remain in effect. Otherwise it will no longer be applied after the expiration date. Type the date in mm/dd/yy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Description Enter a brief description of the tax code
Type Click the drop down arrow to select the type of code you are adding
State Type the state abbreviation or click the list icon to select from a list of states in the system
County code Type the county code or click the list icon to select from a list of active county codes in the system
City Type the city
Transaction Enter the tax transaction code or click the list icon to select from a list of active tax transaction codes in the system
Taxable amount/thru If the tax only applies for a certain amount, enter the minimum and/or maximum amount that the tax applies to
Shipping charges are taxable Check to indicate that shipping charges should be included in the taxable amount
Fees are taxable Check to indicate that billing fees should be included in the taxable amount
Calculate tax only on the amount above the minimum If the tax should only be calculated when an amount is above the minimum amount entered above, select this option

Also on the Tax Code Properties screen, you have the ability to indicate the tax rate and effective date of the rate. For example, if the tax rate is going to increase .5% as of 01/01/2013, you can add it to the tax code properties. Click the add button on the toolbar:

AR Sales Tax Setup 4.png

This adds a new line to the columns:

AR Sales Tax Setup 5.png

To set the effective date, double-click that field. It will activate for editing:

AR Sales Tax Setup 6.png

Enter the new date in mm/dd/yyyy format. Next, double-click the tax rate field and enter the tax rate.

When you have finished entering the information, click OK to save your changes.