Invoice Item Detail

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Overview of AR12ITEM

The Invoice Item Detail popup is launched when you click either the Line Items button or the Line Items tab within Invoice Entry. It looks like this:

Invoice Item Detail 1.png

There are three tabs on this screen.

Line Item tab

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Transaction This field will automatically default to Sales (Sale). However, you can click the drop down arrow to select a different Transaction Type
Item number Enter the item number here. If your organization utilizes the Inventory module, you will have icons to the right of the field that allow you to launch either the Inventory Catalog or a list of items. Select the item that you are adding to the invoice
Quantity Enter the quantity being ordered
Unit price If your organization utilizes the Inventory Module, the unit price will automatically update based on what is in the Inventory Catalog. Otherwise, you can enter the unit price for this item
Per This field is for the item units for the unit cost. For example, if you sell a fundraising package for $25.00 each, you would enter 25.00 in the unit price and select ea (each) as the item unit. You can type the item unit code or click the list icon to select from a list of active item unit codes in the system
Total The screen will multiply the quantity times the unit price to display the total for this item detail
Taxable Select this box if this line item is taxable
Description If your organization utilizes the Inventory Catalog, the description will automatically populate from the item description. You can overwrite if desired. If you do not use the Inventory Catalog, type a description of the item here

Add'l Lines tab

The Add'l Lines tab allows you to add lines to the invoice without having to specify an item number or quantity. When you click the Add'l Lines tab, you will see this screen:

Invoice Item Detail 2.png

There are 6 lines on this tab, each with a description field and an amount field. To add additional items, type the description of the item and the amount. For example:

Invoice Item Detail 3.png

Revenue Distribution tab

When you click the Revenue Distribution tab, you will see this screen:

Invoice Item Detail 4.png

The system allows you to distribute the revenue for this line item using up to 4 general ledger accounts. You can type the general ledger number you wish to use or click the list icon to select from a list of active general ledger accounts within the system

When you have finished entering the detail for this line item, click OK. The line item will be added to the invoice, and the Invoice Item Detail screen will refresh for a second line item. If you have no more items to add, click Cancel.