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===IRA Account Tab===
===IRA Account Tab===
When you click the IRA Account tab, you will see a screen like this:
[[File:IRA Account Tab 1.png]]
Reference the section above regarding IRA Account for information on this screen.
===Online Access Tab===
The Online Access tab is used to configure users authorized to access this account's information via [[Granting a User Access to Online CEF|Online-CEF]]. From this screen, you can view, edit or remove a user's access to this account.
===Memos Tab===
From this screen, you can access the [[Adding Memos|account's memos]]
=='''Account text Formatting'''==
=='''Account text Formatting'''==

Revision as of 11:40, 21 March 2013

Overview of NA150UPD

Within DDI Connect, Accounts play a vital role in managing the financial transactions that your constituents have with your organization. Understanding the difference in the accounts, especially when it comes to Accounts vs. Constituents, can be somewhat confusing. However, it is important to understand how the accounts work within the system. NOTE: You must have the appropriate security for the security function NAACCTUPD to add or modify accounts within the DDI Connect system.

  • Individual Accounts are accounts that are attached to a constituent. Individual accounts can be donor, investment or loan accounts

  • Master Accounts are accounts that act as an umbrella over one or more constituents and their corresponding gifts, investments or loans. Master accounts have linked accounts, and viewing the master account allows you to see the details of all linked accounts

For example, Mr. Joe Smith is an investor with your organization, and is also a donor. His spouse, Mary Smith, is a donor as well. In addition, Joe has set up investment accounts for each of their three children, over which he serves as custodian. In this scenario, you would want to have:

  • Donor account for Joe Smith
  • Investment account for Joe Smith
  • Donor account for Mary Smith
  • Investment accounts for each child
  • Master account for Joe, under which the donor and investment accounts are linked

Note: It is EXTREMELY important to understand the difference between accounts and constituents in the DDI Connect system. Constituent records are the name/address information for everyone your organization is in contact with. Account records are for those with whom your organization has financial transactions. All accounts must have a constituent record, but not all constituent records will have accounts.

Adding a New Individual Account

Note: Where your Account Entry screen is on your menu depends on decisions made during implementation. It could be under:

  • Name/Address → Accounts
  • Financial Services → Account Entry

Once you have located the Account Entry menu item, double-click it to launch. You will see this screen:

Account Entry 1.png

  • To create a new account, click the New button on the toolbar. This will launch the "Select a Constituent" screen:

Account Entry 2.png

  • If you are adding a new constituent record, click the New Constituent button. For information on how to add a new constituent, please reference the Adding New Constituent page. If you are adding an account to an existing constituent, you can either type the PIN into the PIN field or click the binoculars to launch the Name/Address inquiry screen:

Account Entry 3.png

  • You can enter whatever information you wish to search for the constituent for whom you are adding the account
  • Double-click the constituent or press Enter on their record in the inquiry results. This will populate the PIN information in the Select a Constituent box
  • Click OK. The Account Entry screen now appears:

Account Entry 4.png

As you can see, the address information has populated from the constituent record

Constit button

When you click the Constit button, you will see the following options:

Constit Button 1.png

Add New Constituent

The Add new constituent menu item allows you to add another constituent to the account. See the section in this document referencing Adding New Master Account for instructions on how to add a new constituent.

Edit Constituent

If you select Edit Constituent, the Account will open in edit format so that you can modify the information on the screen. When you have finished making your changes, click Save.

Remove Constituent

To remove a linked constituent from an account, click the line for that constituent. Then, click the Constit button and select Remove Constituent. You will see a message:

Remove Constit.png

If you are sure you wish to remove the record, click Yes. This does NOT delete the constituent record, it merely removes the link between the two accounts.

Deletion Status

If you wish to delete an account, you can do it one of two ways. You can click the Delete button on the toolbar, or you can click the Constit button and select Deletion status. You will see this popup:

Deletion Status 1.png

In the Status field, click the drop down arrow and select the reason for the deletion. This will activate the date field:

Deletion Status 2.png

The date will default to the business date. You can modify the date by typing the new date in mm/dd/yyyy format. Click OK. The record will now appear as such:

Deletion Status 3.png

If you wish to undo the delete, click Constit and select Deletion Status. In the Status field, click the drop down arrow and select (None). Click OK. The record will once again be Active.

Set Tax ID

The Set Tax ID action establishes the account to utilize for tax purposes. To change the account toggled as the reporting account, click it once, then click Constit and select Set tax id. The indicator in the tax column will now change to the new account:

Set Tax ID.png

Toggle Beneficiary

The toggle beneficiary action indicates on the loan record that a beneficiary is attached to the record. To toggle this, click once on the account and select Constit - Toggle beneficiary. The indicator now appears in the Ben column:

Toggle Beneficiary.png

Select Address

If the account's constituent record has multiple addresses, and you wish to update the account to utilize a different primary address, you can do so by selecting the address you wish to use. Click Constit and then click the Select Address menu item. You will see this popup:

Select Address 1.png

Click the address you wish to use, and click OK. The account record will now update with that address.

Address button

When you click the Address button, you have these options:

Account Button.png

New address

If you click Address and select New address, the system will enable you to add a new address type to the account:

New Address 1.png

Select the new address type. You can also indicate whether or not the new address should be the primary address for the account. Click Continue. The system will now prompt you to enter the new address:

New Address 2.png

When you have finished entering the information, click Save to retain the new address.

Edit address

If you click the Address button and select Edit address, the address fields will enable for modification. When you have made your changes, click Save to retain them.

Select a different address

If the account's constituent record has multiple addresses, and you wish to update the account to utilize a different primary address, you can do so by selecting the address you wish to use. Click Address and then click the Select a different address menu item. You will see this popup:

Select Address 2.png

Click the address you wish to use, and click OK. The account record will now update with that address.

Delete button

If you click the Delete button, you will see this popup:

Delete Master Account.png

If you select Yes, the master account will be deleted. NOTE: You cannot delete a master account if it is tied to any financial transactions, such as investments, loans or donations.

Create button

Click the Create button on the toolbar:

Account Entry 5.png

Note: The items you see on the drop down will depend on the modules that your organization has opted to utilize. For example, if you do not manage investments or loans, you will not see the option to create borrower or investor accounts

  • Select the type of account you are creating. The next screen you see will depend on the type of account you selected.

Investor Account Setup

If you selected Investor Account, you will now see this screen:

Account Entry 6.png

When you create an investor account, you have the following options:

  • Establish the investor status. You can type the code or click the list icon to select from a list of active investor status codes in the system

  • Account ownership. This tells the system the type of investment ownership that should be used for this investment account. Your options are:

Option Description
None No account ownership status
Joint Tenancy with Right of Survivorship This means that two or more accounts share equal ownership in the investment. If either owner dies, the investment transfers to the survivor(s). Ownership is shown in the Account block as an "AND" relationship, i.e., "Mr. Robert Smith AND Mr. Josh Jones"
Tenants in Common Tenants in common have equal rights of possession. Upon the death of one party, the heir inherits the share. For example, two individuals own an investment with the ownership of tenants in common. One of the owners passes away, and has designated her son as heir. The son is now tenants in common on the investment, along with the surviving original owner. Ownership is shown in the Account block as an "OR" relationship, i.e., "Mr. Robert Smith OR Mr. Josh Jones"
Sole Ownership Indicates that the account holder is the sole owner of the investment
Community Property Generally, this designation is used for retirement accounts. The spouse of the retirement account owner who resides in a community or marital property state must be the sole primary beneficiary of an investment account designated as marital property, unless the spouse provides written consent to have someone else designated as primary beneficiary of the retirement account

This screen also allows you to designate the IRA type, if you are configuring an IRA account. Click the drop down arrow to select the IRA type you are setting up.

From this screen, you can also configure the Investor account text, along with alternate text for investment notes. For example, if you wish to format the text for Tenants in Common, you might type "Mr. Robert Smith OR Mr. John Jones" in this field, so that it is printed on any investment notes generated for this account.

Finally, this screen allows you to select an Affiliate PIN. This can be used to track individual investors who are associated with a church or organization within your constituent base, allowing you to track the number (and dollar amount) of investments associated with members of that church/organization. You can type the affiliated church/organization PIN or click the Search icon to locate the PIN you wish to link.

Borrower Account Setup

Account Entry 7.png

On this screen, there are no changes to be made initially, so you can click Save to return to the Account Entry screen

New Depositor Account Setup

Account Entry 8.png

There are no changes to be made on this screen, so click Save to return to the Account Entry screen

New IRA Account Setup

Account Entry 9.png

Field Description
Federal Withholding Controls whether or not federal tax is withheld for withdrawals from any IRA under this master account (in the percentages or dollar amount identified)
Date elected Date when federal tax withholdings began
Base % Base federal-tax withholding percentage. This is a display only field, and will not have an effect on monies or calculations
Additional % Any percentage additional federal-tax withholding above the base percentage
Additional $ Any dollar amount additional federal-tax withholding above the base percentage
Conduit IRA Whether or not an IRA under this master account serves as merely a transitional stage between one qualified plan (401(k), 403(b), etc.) and another qualified plan
Date of IRA owner's death Date when the IRA owner (tax ID) died, if applicable
Default distribution code Code representing the default IRS code to use on withdrawal transactions. Click the drop down arrow to the right of the field to select from the list of options
Distribution amount Dollar amount to distribute from an IRA under this master account, in the manner identified by the default distribution code (if applicable)
Date distribution elected Date when account owner has asked to receive a specified distribution amount
Tax PIN birth date Birth date of constituent with account-master tax ID. Derived from Name/Address record (display only)
Required min distribution date April 1 following the date when the master account’s “Tax ID” constituent will reach the age of 70.5. This is the age when a minimum IRA distribution is required. Calculated based on the constituent’s birth date (display only)
Minimum normal distribution date Date when the master account’s “Tax ID” constituent will reach the age of 59.5. This is the age when this individual first becomes eligible for a minimum distribution. Calculated based on the constituent’s birth date (display only)

When you have finished entering the information on the screen, click Save to return to the Account Entry screen.

New Donor Account Setup

Account Entry 10.png

On this screen, the only field you might wish to edit is the Segment field. This corresponds with your organization's donor segment codes, if you have set them up. For more information on donor segment codes, reference the page Donor Segment Codes page. When you have entered the code (if applicable), click Save to return to the Account Entry screen.

Your individual donor account has now been created.

Processes button

If you click the Processes button, you will launch into the Process Inquiry screen.

View button

When you click the View button, you will see these options:

View Button.png

Mailing History

If you click View and select Mailing History, you will be taken to the mailing history for the constituent record.

When you have finished viewing the mailing history, click Exit to return to the Account.

Edit history

When you click View and select Edit history, you will be taken to the Edit history for the constituent record.

When you have finished viewing the edit history, click Exit to return to the Account.

Merge history

If you click View and select Merge History, you are taken to the screen that displays whether or not the account has ever been merged to/from:

Account Merge History 1.png

You can click the "Merged To" Edit History or the "Merged From" Edit History buttons to view the merge transactions. If you click the button and there has been a merge, the Edit History screen for that merge action will be displayed.

When you have finished viewing the merge history, click Exit to return to the Account.

NA Web Access

If you click the NA Web Access menu item beneath the View button, you will be taken to the NA Web Access Maintenance screen.

When you have finished viewing the screen, click Exit to return to the account screen.

Options button

When you click the Options button, the Account Entry Options screen will launch.

When you have finished making your changes, click OK to return to the Account screen.

Account Tabs

The tabs that appear on an account will vary, depending on the type of accounts you have created for this record. For example, if the constituent has a borrower and an investor tab, you will see Account, Borrower, Investor and Memos tabs. If your organization utilizes Online-CEF, you will also see an Online Access tab.

Account Tab

The Account tab displays the overview of the account information:

Account Tab 1.png

This screen allows you to review:

  • Linked accounts
  • The tax reporting account, which is indicated with a dot in the Tax column:

Account Tab 2.png

  • The primary address account, which is indicated with a dot in the Addr column:

Account Tab 3.png

  • A beneficiary relationship, which is indicated with a dot in the Ben column:

Account Tab 4.png

NOTE: It is important to understand how the DDI-Connect system utilizes the beneficiary link.

  • If the account is a LOAN account, the beneficiary selection indicates that the loan is a "FBO" (For the Benefit Of) arrangement. This means that the borrower is not the organization or church that is actually receiving the funds. For example, a regional office borrows money from a CEF, for the benefit of one of their member churches. While the regional office is the borrower, the recipient (or beneficiary) is the member church. In instances like this, you would set up an account for the regional office, then create a second account for the member church. You would then link the member church to the regional office, and toggle the beneficiary indication on the member church
  • If the account is an INVESTMENT account, the beneficiary selection indicates that the linked account (or accounts) are beneficiaries of the investment in the event of the investment holder's death

If the account you are configuring has both scenarios listed above, it is recommended that you create two separate accounts - one for the loan and another for the investment(s). This will avoid confusion and allow for accurate reporting.

Borrower Tab

The Borrower tab provides a summary of the borrower's account as a whole:

Borrower Tab 1.png

The screen displays:

  • Account number
  • Account status
  • Account Name and Address Block
  • Current balance of ALL loans attached to this account

On the toolbar, there is a Loans button. If you click this button, it will launch the screen that lists all of the loans attached to the account:

Borrower Tab 2.png

From this screen, if you wish to drill down into the loan record, you can double-click the line. This will launch the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen for that loan.

If you wish to provide a list with basic information regarding all loans for the borrower, you can point your mouse at the column header of any column on this screen, and then right-click. A "Display in Spreadsheet" box will appear - if you click it, the screen information will be launched into a spreadsheet.

Investor Tab

The investor tab displays an overview of information pertaining to the investment account associated with this Account:

Investor Tab 1.png

This screen displays the following information:

  • Account number
  • Investment Account status
  • Status date
  • Investor since date
  • Investment balance for all investments attached to this account
  • Last maintenance date

In addition to the information listed above, this screen displays the account ownership format. Reference the section above related to Investment accounts for information related to the account ownership, IRA type and affiliate PIN fields.

On the toolbar, you will see an Invest button. Clicking this button will launch the Investment Summary screen page. On the summary page, you can drill into individual investment details, as well as launch the Investment Estimator screen.

Depositor Tab

When you click the Depositor tab, you'll see a screen similar to this:

Depositor Tab 1.png

This screen displays:

  • Account number
  • Account status
  • Account Name and Address block
  • Current balance

From this screen, you can click the Portfolio button on the toolbar. This launches the Accounts Inquiry screen for portfolios associated with this account.

IRA Account Tab

When you click the IRA Account tab, you will see a screen like this:

IRA Account Tab 1.png

Reference the section above regarding IRA Account for information on this screen.

Online Access Tab

The Online Access tab is used to configure users authorized to access this account's information via Online-CEF. From this screen, you can view, edit or remove a user's access to this account.

Memos Tab

From this screen, you can access the account's memos

Account text Formatting

In the Account text formatting area, there are three formatting buttons. You can format the Name block, the Formal salutation and the Informal salutation.

Formatting Name Block

To format the name block, click the Format button to the right:

Format Name Block 1.png

This will launch the Name Block Formatting screen:

Format Name Block 2.png

You have three choices. You can select a pre-defined format, a custom format, or enter your own text. If you select Custom format or Enter your own text, you can enter the text the way you wish to have it appear in the Name block. When you have made your changes, click OK to return to the Account screen.

Formatting Formal Salutation

To format the appearance of the formal salutation, click the Format button to the right of that area:

Format Formal Salutation 1.png

This will launch the Salutation formatting box:

Salutation Formatting.png

You can opt to select a pre-defined formal or informal format, a custom format or enter your own text. For the pre-defined formats, there is a list of formatting options. To select, click one, and click OK. If you opt for a custom format or to enter your own text, you can do so in the Salutation text box. When you have entered your selection, click OK to return to the Account screen.

Formatting Informal Salutation

To format the appearance of the informal salutation, click the Format button to the right of that area:

Format Informal Salutation 1.png

This will launch the Salutation formatting box:

Salutation Formatting.png

You can opt to select a pre-defined formal or informal format, a custom format or enter your own text. For the pre-defined formats, there is a list of formatting options. To select, click one, and click OK. If you opt for a custom format or to enter your own text, you can do so in the Salutation text box. When you have entered your selection, click OK to return to the Account screen.

Adding a New Master Account

Once you have the individual accounts created, you can establish the master account. You can opt to create a brand new account to designate as the master, or you can use an existing account - how you do that will depend on your organizational process.

  • Double-click the Account Entry screen
  • Either key in the account number or click the magnifying glass to search for the account you will be using as the master
  • When you locate the individual you will be using as the master, click Select. This screen will appear:

Account entry 11.png

Note: The icons you see on the toolbar and the Sub-System Status items will depend on what types of accounts you created for this individual

Select the account ID that you are setting up to be the master account by clicking Select. You will now be in the Account maintenance screen. On the toolbar, you will see a Constit. button:

Account entry 12.png

  • Click the Constituent button and select Add New Constituent from the list that appears. You will now receive this screen:

Account Entry 2.png

  • Either type the PIN of the constituent whose account you are linking to this master account, or click the binoculars to search for a constituent. Clicking the binoculars will launch the Name/Address inquiry screen.
  • When you select the constituent that you are linking, you will receive this screen:

Account entry 13.png

  • Select the relationship code for this linkage. For example, if you are linking a spouse, you'll want to select SPOU: Spouse as the Relationship
  • click OK
  • The account screen now updates to reflect two accounts:

Account entry 14.png

You can repeat this process for as many accounts as you wish to link under the master. As you add each one, the account list at the top of the screen will update to reflect all of the accounts linked.