Viewing Edit History

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Overview of NA18

Whenever you click either View --> Edit History or click the "Before/After" button on a transaction, the system launches the Edit History (NA18) screen. The screen will look similar to this:

Edit History 1.png

At the top of the screen, you see the following information:

Column Description
Tran dt Date that the transaction was performed
Time Time that the transaction took place
Operation Tells you what type of transaction it was (change, add, delete, etc.)
User User ID of the person performing the transaction
Table name Table that was affected

You will see three columns: Field name, Before and After. To locate the information that was changed, scroll until you see the blue text in the "After" column:

Edit History 2.png

This shows you what the new values for the field or fields is.

When you have finished viewing the edit history, click exit to return to the previous screen.