Named Fund Maintenance

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Overview of FR302UPD

The Named Fund Maintenance screen allows you to add a new named fund or perform maintenance on existing funds.

Adding a New Fund

To add a new Named Fund, go to Named Fund Inquiry. From the Named Fund Inquiry screen, click the New button on the toolbar. You will see this screen:

Add New Fund 1.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Fund name Enter the name of the fund
Fund type Click the drop down arrow to select the fund type that the new fund will belong to
Contact PIN Enter the fund's contact PIN or click the search icon to locate the constituent record to be associated with the new fund
Established Enter the date you wish to use. You can type it in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Ends Enter the ending date. You can type it in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Seed If there is a seed amount associated with this fund, enter it here
Goal If the new fund has a stated goal, enter it here
First gift Enter the date of the first gift to the fund. You can type it in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Comment If desired, enter a comment for the fund record

Once you have entered the information, click Save. The new fund will be created.

Existing Fund Maintenance

To perform maintenance on an existing fund, from the Named Fund Inquiry results, double-click the fund or click it once and then click View. You will see this screen:

Update Named Fund 1.png

To edit any of the fund information, click the Edit button on the toolbar. The fields will activate:

Update Named Fund 2.png

When you have finished making your modifications, click Save to retain the changes.


To view all gifts associated with the fund, click the Gifts button on the toolbar. You will see this screen:

Update Named Fund 3.png

If you wish to view any of the gifts that appear in the search, double-click the gift. This will launch the Gift Maintenance screen. When you have finished, click Exit to return to the Named Fund Maintenance screen.

View Button

If you click the View button, you will see the following options:

Update Named Fund 4.png

If you select Edit History, you will be taken to the Edit History screen. Click Exit to return to the Named Fund Maintenance screen.

If you select Transactions, you will be taken to the transactions screen. Click Exit to return to the Named Fund Maintenance screen.

Action Button

If you click the Action button, you will see these options:

Update Named Fund 5.png

If you click the Payout option, you will be taken to the Fund Payout screen.

If you click the Transfer balance option, you will be taken to the Transfer fund balance screen

Memos Tab

If you click the Memos tab, you are taken to the Memo screen.