Event History by Area

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Overview of FR417INQ

The Event History by Area screen allows you to search for and view information related to events within a specific area. You can view a summary, or review information by events.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Connect-FR
  • Double-click Event & Program Management
  • Double-click Event History by Area. You will see this screen:

Event History by Area 1.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Region To search by region, enter the region code or click the list icon to select from a list of active regions in the system
Event date/thru To search by event date, enter the beginning and ending date(s). You can type the date(s) in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icons to select the date
City If you wish to search by city, you can do so by typing the city name in this field. NOTE: If you do not include the state, the system will return results for any event in that city name, regardless of state
State To filter by state, type the state abbreviation here or click the list icon to select from a list of active states in the system
County The County field can only be used in conjunction with the State field. Once you have selected a state, you can type the county code that you wish to filter on, or click the list icon to select from a list of active counties in the system
Community To filter by community, type the community code or click the list icon to select from a list of active communities in the system
Denom If you wish to filter the results by denomination, you can do so here. Type the denomination code or click the list icon to select from a list of active denominations in the system

Once you have entered your search criteria, click the Search icon on the toolbar. The results of the search will be displayed:

Event History by Area 2.png

As you can see, there are multiple tabs on this screen. If you wish to display the information from any tab in spreadsheet format, right click on a column header and select Display in Spreadsheet:

Display in Spreadsheet.png

Summary Tab

The Summary tab displays the following information:

Event History by Area 2.png

There is not a way to click into a more detailed screen from the Summary tab, as it merely shows an overview of information by fiscal year.

Events Tab

When you click the Events tab, you will see a screen similar to this one:

Event History by Area 3.png

If you double-click an event, it will launch the Event information screen:

Event History by Area 4.png

When you have finished reviewing the information, click Exit to return to the Event History by Area/Events tab.

Income Tab

When you click the Income tab, you will see a screen similar to this one:

Event History by Area 5.png

If you double-click an event, it will launch the Event information screen:

Event History by Area 4.png

When you have finished reviewing the information, click Exit to return to the Event History by Area/Income tab.

Spon/Walkers Tab

When you click the Spon/Walkers (Sponsors/Walkers) tab, you will see a screen similar to this one:

Event History by Area 6.png

If you double-click an event, it will launch the Event information screen:

Event History by Area 4.png

When you have finished reviewing the information, click Exit to return to the Event History by Area/Spon/Walkers tab.

Church/Orgs Tab

When you click the Church/Orgs tab, you will see a screen similar to this one:

Event History by Area 7.png

If you double-click an event, it will launch the Event information screen:

Event History by Area 4.png

When you have finished reviewing the information, click Exit to return to the Event History by Area/Church/Orgs tab.

Local Ag Tab

When you click the Local Ag (Local Agency) tab, you will see a screen similar to this one:

Event History by Area 8.png

If you double-click an event, it will launch the Event information screen:

Event History by Area 4.png

When you have finished reviewing the information, click Exit to return to the Event History by Area/Local Ag tab.

Sister Ag Tab

When you click the Sister Ag (Sister Agency) tab, you will see a screen similar to this one:

Event History by Area 9.png

If you double-click an event, it will launch the Event information screen:

Event History by Area 4.png

When you have finished reviewing the information, click Exit to return to the Event History by Area/Sister Ag tab.

Spec Desig Tab

When you click the Spec Desig (Special Designation) tab, you will see a screen similar to this one:

Event History by Area 10.png

If you double-click an event, it will launch the Event information screen:

Event History by Area 4.png

When you have finished reviewing the information, click Exit to return to the Event History by Area/Spec Desig tab.