Creating an Appeal

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Overview of FR032UPD

Once you have added a campaign to the Connect FR system, you can add an appeal or multiple appeals. To do so:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Connect FR
  • Double-click Campaigns & Appeals
  • Double-click Campaign Explorer. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Campaign 1.png

To add an appeal to a campaign, locate the campaign and click ONCE to highlight it. Then, click the Add button on the toolbar and select Add new appeal:

Appeal 1.png

The Appeal setup screen will launch. You have 4 tabs on this screen, each with different information to add.

Appeal Setup Tab

Appeal 2.png

You have the following fields available on this screen:

Field Description
Appeal ID Enter a unique, alphanumeric appeal ID. This field is upper case, and is limited to 10 characters
Region If you are associating this appeal with a particular region, you can type the region code or click the list icon to select from a list of active regions in the system. Leave this field blank if inheriting region from the campaign
Title A brief description of the appeal
Dates/thru Enter the beginning, ending or date range for the appeal. You can type the date(s) in a mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon(s) to select the date(s) you wish to use
Prior appeal ID If you wish to reference a prior appeal, you can do so by typing that appeal code in this field
Approach Click the drop down arrow to select from a list of active approach types in the system
Promo type* Enter the promotion type code or click the list icon to select from a list of active promotion types in the system. Leave this field blank if you do not wish to associate a code
Country* Country is the Desig 1 field. You can type the Desig1 code that you wish to use, or click the list icon to select from a list of active designation 1 codes in the system. Leave this field blank if you do not wish to associate a code
Program* Program is the Desig 2 field. You can type the Desig2 code that you wish to use, or click the list icon to select from a list of active designation 2 codes in the system. Leave this field blank if you do not wish to associate a code
Purpose Enter a brief description of the purpose of this appeal
Theme Select from a list of active theme codes in the system
Audience Select from a list of active audience codes in the system

NOTE: Fields marked with an * could have different labels, depending on how your organization configured them

If you choose, you can manually edit the statistics for this appeal. In the Statistics area of the screen, click the edit icon:

Appeal 3.png

This will launch the Appeal Costs screen:

Appeal 4.png

To add a new cost type, click the New button. The fields will activate for editing:

Appeal 5.png

You have the following fields available:

Field Description
Cost type Click the drop down arrow to select from a list of active cost types in the system
Fixed amount If the cost is a fixed amount, enter the dollar amount in this field
Var. amount If the cost is a variable amount, enter the cost per here
Variable units Click the drop down arrow to select the unit to associate with the variable amount

When you have entered the information for this cost item, click OK. You can now add additional cost items, or click Exit to return to the Appeal Setup screen. The statistics area will now update the Total Cost field:

Appeal 6.png

The other fields in the statistics area will update as the appeal progresses.

Packages Tab

Packages 1.png

When you click the Packages tab, you will see this screen. Packages is the term used by DDI Connect to define the item that the recipient will receive. A package could be a letter, a post card, a packet, or whatever your organization decides to send. Setting up each piece in the system as a package will allow you to track and report on the success of each individual piece.

To add a new package, click the New button on the toolbar. The fields now become available for editing:

Packages 2.png

You have the following fields available to you:

Field Description
Package code Enter a package code. This should be a unique, alphanumeric, 4 character code
Description Description of the package
# Contacted You can manually enter the number of recipients for this package. You can also leave it blank so that the system automatically updates when you extract names using the Information Query
# Responses If you wish to manually update this field, you can do so. This field tracks the number of responses per package, so that you can report on the success of a particular piece. If the appeal is set up properly, however, and as gifts are entered, this field will be updated by the system
Revenue If you wish, you can manually enter the revenue for the package (total dollar amount received for this package). As gifts are entered, if they are tracked properly, this field will be updated by the system

There are additional fields on this screen that will be updated as responses are received and gifts entered into the system. They are:

Field Description
Response rate This number is the percentage of recipients who have responded to the package. The number is calculated by dividing the number of responses by the number contacted
Net revenue Total amount raised minus total expenses
Cost per $ raised Amount spent for each dollar contributed by respondents
Cost per contact Amount spent for each contact for this package
Yield per 1,000 Dollar amount raised for each 1,000 contacts
Average response Average dollar amount of all respondent gifts.
Net Yield per 1,000 Dollar amount raised for each 1,000 contacts, minus the amount spent for these contacts
Median response Median (middle) dollar amount of all respondent gifts

You can have multiple packages per appeal.

Grid Tab

Grid 1.png

The Grid tab is where you establish the lists or recipients of an appeal. You can identify by package, or by overall appeal. To add a new grid, click the New button on the toolbar. The fields will now activate for editing:

Grid 2.png

You have the following fields available to you:

Field Description
Description Enter a brief, alphanumeric description of the package list
Package Enter the package ID to be associated with this grid item
3rd Party list If you acquired the mailing list for a source other than the Connect-FR database, you can enter the list name here
List codes Source codes that determine which recipients are to receive this package. For values in square brackets, Connect-FR will select recipients identified by any of these values (“[5AB]” means “5” or “A” or “B”, for example). The asterisk (*) indicates to select recipients with any character in this position. “[5AB]*”, for example, would select recipients with “5”, “A”, or “B” in the first position and any character in the second position. Separate code selections with a comma
Allow editing of # contacted and cost Selection indicating if # Contacted and Cost fields should be enabled for editing

The rest of the fields are display only, and will reflect updated information as responses are received to the appeal:

Field Description
# Contacted Number of recipients for this package. Enabled for editing if Allow editing of # contacted and cost field is checked
# Responses Number of gifts received from recipients for this package. Display only
Response rate Number of responses divided by the number contacted. Display only
Cost Total expense of all mailings sent with this package. Enabled for editing if Allow editing of # contacted and cost field is checked
Revenue Total raised from all mailings sent with this package. Display only
Net revenue Total revenue minus the total cost. Display only
Cost per $ raised Amount spent for each dollar generated by this package. The total cost divided by the total revenue. Display only
Cost per contact The total cost divided by the number contacted. Display only
Yield per 1,000 The total revenue for every 1,000 contacts. Display only
Average response The average revenue for each respondent. Total revenue divided by the number of responses. Display only
Net Yield per 1,000 Total revenue for every 1,000 contacts minus the total expense for every 1,000 contacts. Display only
Median response The median or middle response dollar amount. Display only

Statistics tab

The Statistics tab will display the results of this appeal:

Appeal Stats 1.png

As the appeal progresses, this information will be updated to reflect the changing numbers. The fields on this screen are:

Field Description
# Contacted Number of contacts from this appeal. Display only
# Responses Number of responses (donations) generated by this appeal. Display only
Response rate Number of responses divided by the number of contacts for this appeal times 100. Display only
Total revenue Total dollar amount generated by the selected appeal. Display only
Total cost Total expense associated with the selected appeal. Display only
Net revenue Total response amount minus the total cost for the appeal. Display only
Cost per $ raised Total cost for the appeal divided by the total response amount (to four decimal places). Display only
Cost per contact Total cost for the appeal divided by the number of contacts (to four decimal places). Display only
Average response Average dollar amount contributed in response to this appeal. Takes the total response dollar amount and divides by the number of responses. Display only
Median response Rounds each donation amount under the appeal and calculates the median (or middle) based on rounded amounts. Display only
Mode Rounds each donation amount under the appeal and calculates the mode (or value occurring most commonly) based on rounded amounts. Display only
Yield per 1,000 Revenue dollar amount generated for each 1,000 contacts. Display only
Net Yield per 1,000 Revenue dollar amount generated for each 1,000 contacts, minus the cost for each 1,000 contacts. Display only

As responses to the appeal are received, the numbers and graph will update to reflect those changes.

Copy Existing Appeal

Once you have added a new appeal, you have the option of copying the package and grid from an existing appeal. From the Appeal Setup screen, click Actions and select Copy Packages and Grid:

Add Existing Appeal 2.png

Select the appeal that you wish to copy from and click OK, or double-click the appeal. When the copy is complete, you will see this message:

Copy Complete.png

Click OK. The package and grid information have now been copied.