Creating a Campaign

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Overview of FR030UPD

The first step in creating an appeal is to create a campaign. This is done via the Campaign Explorer screen:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Connect FR
  • Double-click Campaigns & Appeals
  • Double-click Campaign Explorer. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Campaign 1.png

This screen displays the Centrally administered campaigns as a default. To select the region that you wish to add the campaign to, click the drop down arrow and select the region from a list of active regions in the system. If you are not assigning the campaign to a region, leave the selection on Centrally administered campaigns.

On the toolbar, click Add and select New Campaign:

Campaign 2.png

You will now see the Campaign Setup screen:

Campaign 3.png

There are 2 tabs on this screen.

Campaign Setup Tab

On the Campaign setup tab, you have the following fields:

Field Description
Campaign ID Enter a unique campaign ID. This is an alphanumeric field, with a limit of 10 characters
Title Enter the title for the campaign, such as "March 2012 Direct Mail"
Region Leave this field blank to set up the campaign in centrally administered campaigns. To assign a region, type in the region code or click the list icon to select from a list of active regions in the system
Type Click the drop down arrow to select from a list of active campaign types in the system
Dates/thru Enter the starting, ending or date range for the campaign. You can type the date(s) in a mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon(s) to select the date(s)
Prior campaign ID If a prior campaign corresponds with the new campaign, you can type in the prior campaign's ID for tracking purposes
Purpose This is a brief description of the campaign's purpose
Theme Click the box or boxes that represent the theme of this campaign
Approach Click the box or boxes that represent the approach of this campaign
Audience Click the box or boxes that represent the audience for this campaign

When you first enter a campaign, the statistics fields will be empty. However, as the campaign progresses, these fields will be updated:

Campaign 6.png

Field Description
Total cost A display only field that shows the total cost of the campaign, based on calculated factors
Contacted Displays the total number of recipients of materials for this campaign
Amount Total dollar amount spent on contacts from whom responses were received
Count Displays the total number of responses

Statistics Tab

Campaign 4.png

As the campaign progresses, this screen will show you statistics related to the campaign. This information will include:

Field Description
# Contacted Number of contacts from this campaign. Display only
# Responses Number of responses (donations) generated by this campaign. Display only
Response rate Number of responses divided by the number of contacts for this campaign times 100. Display only
Total revenue Total dollar amount generated by the selected campaign. Display only
Total cost Total expense associated with the selected campaign. Display only
Net revenue Total response amount minus the total cost for the campaign. Display only
Cost per $ raised Total cost for the campaign divided by the total response amount (to four decimal places). Display only
Cost per contact Total cost for the campaign divided by the number of contacts (to four decimal places). Display only
Average response Average dollar amount contributed in response to appeals under this campaign. Takes the total response dollar amount and divides by the number of responses. Display only
Median response Rounds each donation amount under the campaign and calculates the median (or middle) based on rounded amounts. Display only
Mode Rounds each donation amount under the campaign and calculates the mode (or value occurring most commonly) based on rounded amounts. Display only
Yield per 1,000 Revenue dollar amount generated for each 1,000 contacts. Display only
Net Yield per 1,000 Revenue dollar amount generated for each 1,000 contacts, minus the cost for each 1,000 contacts. Display only

As the campaign progresses and responses are received, the statistics tab and graph will reflect the changing numbers:

Campaign 5.png

Once the campaign has been created, you can now create an appeal.