Difference between revisions of "Detailed Loan Inquiry"

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Line 123: Line 123:
| '''Special Payment Due''' || Date that the special payment is due, if applicable
| '''Special Payment Due''' || Date that the special payment is due, if applicable
| Example || Example
| '''Regular Payment Code''' || Code indicating the [[Loan Regular Payment Codes|regular payment frequency]] for this loan
| Example || Example
| '''Special Payment Code''' || Code indicating the [[Loan Special Payment Codes|special payment frequency]], if applicable
| Example || Example
| '''Actual Interest Due''' || Actual amount of interest currently due on the loan
| Example || Example
| Example || Example

Revision as of 13:25, 1 May 2012

Overview of IL407VIEW

Under varied circumstances following the creation of a loan record, you will need to use the Financial Inquiry to access loan data. The Financial Inquiry is a flexible tool providing access to information about investments, loans, portfolios, and lines of credit. All of the functions described in this section are available only by using the Financial Inquiry to select a loan record.

The Financial Inquiry is usually accessible under the Financial Services folder in the DDI-Connect main menu. Launching it enables you to use the Loan field to enter the number of the loan you want to display. If unsure of this number, you can also click the adjacent button to search for the loan. To view detailed loan information:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Financial Inquiry. You will see this screen:

File:Detailed Loan Inquiry 1.png

In the Loan field, type the loan number you wish to view. As noted above, you can also click the list icon to view a list of all loans in the system. When you have entered the loan number, you can either click Find on the toolbar or press Enter to bring up the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen:

Detailed Loan Inquiry 2.png

You have multiple tabs on this screen, along with other options via the View button on the toolbar. Those screens are detailed below.

Summary Tab

The loan summary tab looks like this:

Detailed Loan Inquiry 3.png

The following information is displayed on this screen:

Field Description
Loan Type Displays the code associated with this particular loan's Type
Regular payment amount Displays the amount the borrower is expected to pay with each payment
Interest rate Shows the current interest rate assigned to the loan
Last payment amount Displays the total amount of the last payment made against the loan
Commitment date The date that your organization committed to the loan
Last payment date The date that the last payment was received in the system
Commitment amount Amount that your organization has committed to loan to the borrower
Payment due date Displays the date that the next loan payment is due
Commitment expiration Date that the commitment expires. After this date, no loan advances can be made
Current investment support If this loan is supported by investments, displays the total value of the supporting investments
Principal balance Current principal balance of the loan
Close date Date that the loan closed
Principal paid YTD Total amount paid toward the loan's principal current year to date
Actual interest due Accrued interest currently due on the loan
-Prepaid/+past due Displays the amount, if any, that the loan is prepaid (displays as a negative number) or past due (displays as a positive number)
Last interest post date Date that interest was last accrued and posted to the loan
Maturity date Date that the loan will be paid off, assuming that all payments are made on time
Interest now posted Interest now posted to the loan
First payment due Date that the first payment was due for the loan
Interest paid YTD Total interest paid year to date for the loan
Estimated payoff Estimated amount required to pay off the loan
Status Displays the code associated with the loan's current status
Amortization term Displays the loan's amortization term (in months)
Total advanced Total amount advanced to the borrower to date
Monitor/Processor If applicable, displays the loan monitor and the loan processor codes
Original risk rating Displays the loan's original risk rating, if applicable
Adjustment date Displays the date of the last loan adjustment, if applicable
Current risk rating Adjusted risk rating, if applicable
Current risk rating date The date that the loan's risk rating was adjusted, if applicable

Payments Tab

If you click the Payments tab, you will see the following screen:

Detailed Loan Inquiry 4.png

These fields are displayed:

Field Description
Regular Payment Amount to be paid for the regular loan payment
Special Payment If a special payment is due, the amount of the payment
Payment Due Date The date that the next regular loan payment is due
Special Payment Due Date that the special payment is due, if applicable
Regular Payment Code Code indicating the regular payment frequency for this loan
Special Payment Code Code indicating the special payment frequency, if applicable
Actual Interest Due Actual amount of interest currently due on the loan
Example Example
Example Example
Example Example
Example Example
Example Example
Example Example
Example Example
Example Example
Example Example
Example Example
Example Example
Example Example
Example Example
Example Example
Example Example
Example Example

Adjustments Tab

Fees Tab


Disbursement Tab

Miscellaneous Tab

Remitter Tab

View Button

The View button allows you to view multiple screens of information related to the loan. Select one of the options below to view the related screen.

Transaction Inquiry

To view transaction history for this particular loan, click View and select Transaction Inquiry. When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.

Loan Documentation

To view all documentation associated with a loan, click View and select Loan Documentation. When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.

Loan Payment History

To view loan payment history, click View and select Loan Payment History. When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.

Loan Tax Maintenance

To view the loan's Tax Maintenance information, click View and select Loan Tax Maintenance. When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.

Loan Change History

To view a loan's change history, click View and select Loan Change History. When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.

Loan Support Inquiry

To view the loan's support information, click View and select Loan Support Inquiry. When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.

Loan Insurance Maintenance

To view a loan's insurance information, click View and select Loan Insurance Maintenance. When you have finished viewing the information, click the Exit button to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.

Loan Tickler

To view loan tickler information, click View and select Loan Tickler. When you have finished viewing the information, click the Exit button to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.

Loan Memos

To view existing memos or add memos to the loan, click View and select Loan Memos. When finished, click the Exit button to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.

Loan Calculator

To view the loan calculator, click View and select Loan Calculator. When you have finished with the screen, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.

Conversion History

To view the conversion history of a loan, click View and select Conversion History. When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.

Payoff Calculations

To calculate a loan's payoff estimates, click View and select Payoff Calculations. When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.

Loan Relief Maintenance

To view a loan's Relief Maintenance information, click View and select Loan Relief Maintenance. When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.

Transaction Reasoning

To view a loan's transaction reasoning, click View and select Transaction Reasoning. When you have finished viewing the screen, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.

Risk Rating Details

To view a loan's risk rating details, click View and select Risk Rating Details. When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry.