Loan Payment History

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Overview of IL429

The Loan Payment History screen allows you to view both payment due and payment received history for a loan, for the life of the loan. You can view information such as the due date, amount, amount paid, and the associated transactions in the system. To view a loan's payment history:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Financial Inquiry
  • Look up the loan that you wish to view
  • On the toolbar, click View and select Loan Payment History:

Loan Payment History 1.png

When the screen loads, you will see something similar to this:

Loan Payment History 2.png

You can click the Payments due or Payments received radio button to change the information you are viewing on the screen.

Payments Due

On the Payments due screen, you see the following information:

Column Description
Loan Displays the loan number
Due dt Date that the payment was/is due
Due Amount Amount due
Paid Amount Amount paid
Type This is the type of payment. For example, Regular, Extra or Special
Status This shows the status of the due record. If the due record is open, you'll see an Open status. Acknowledged means that it has been acknowledged in the system

In addition to the columns, if you click on a particular loan payment, you can see how it was allocated:

Loan Payment History 3.png

If you double-click on a line in the Payments Due area, it will launch the transaction detail for that item:

Loan Payment History 4.png

From the transaction detail screen, click Edit to return to the Loan Payment History screen.

Payments Received

When you select the Payments Received radio button, you see a screen similar to this one:

Loan Payment History 5.png

This screen shows you the following information:

Column Description
Loan Displays the loan number
Paid dt Date that the payment was received
Paid Amount Amount of the payment received
Allocated Amount This shows how much of the total paid has been allocated to payments due
Type Displays the payment method
Status This displays the status of the payment received, such as Applied or Open

If you click on one of the payments received, the Payment Allocation information appears below:

Loan Payment History 6.png

You can also double-click a line item in the Payments Received area to view the transaction details:

Loan Payment History 7.png

Click Exit to return to the Loan Payment History screen. When you have finished viewing payment history information, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.