Loan Tax Maintenance

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Overview of IL406

Loan Tax Maintenance is provided to enable your organization to track information about tax-related escrow payments relevant to the selected loan. This information is completely user-maintainable and is not updated in an automated fashion by any other application. Loan Tax Maintenance does not drive the creation of any transactions. To view the Tax Maintenance screen:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Financial Inquiry
  • In the loan field, enter the loan number that you wish to work with. You can also click the list icon to view a list of all loans in the system
  • From the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen, click View and select Loan Tax Maintenance. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Loan Tax Maintenance 1.png

The following information is visible on this screen:

Field Description
Account Displays the account number and name/address information of the borrower
Remitter If applicable, displays the remitter's account number and name/address information
Loan Displays the loan number
Payment frequency Free-form field indicating the frequency of tax-related escrow payments
Next due date Due date of the next tax-related escrow payment
Number of payments Number of tax-related escrow payments made on this loan
Total payments Total dollar amount of tax-related escrow payments made on this loan

To modify this information, click the Edit button on the toolbar. This will activate the fields that you are able to edit:

Loan Tax Maintenance 2.png

When you have finished entering the information, click Save to retain your changes.

When you have finished viewing/modifying the screen, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.