Loan Documentation

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Overview of IL411

The Loan Documentation screen allows you to add, edit and view documents associated with a loan. To access the loan documentation screen:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Financial Inquiry
  • In the loan field, type the loan # that you wish to work with. You can also click the list icon to display a list of all loans within the system
  • From the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen, click View and select Loan Documentation. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Loan Documentation View 1.png

Viewing Document Information

In the Loan Documentation Summary area of the screen, you see a list of the documents associated with this loan:

Loan Documentation View 2.png

For each line item, you see the following columns:

Column Description
Description Description of the document
Doc Code associated with the document type
Req Indicates whether or not the document is required (Yes/No)
Notified Date that the borrower was notified of the documentation need
Sent Date that the document was sent to the borrower OR date that the borrower notified your org that the document has been sent (both cases are used, depending on the document type)
Received Date you received completed document from borrower
Expires Date that the document expires
Returned Date that the document was returned to the borrower

If you click on a line item in the Loan Documentation Summary area, you can also see additional information below in the Modifications Detail area:

Loan Documentation View 3.png

For each line item, you see the following columns:

Column Description
Date Date that the action was performed
Action Action that was taken against the document
User ID User ID of the person performing the action
Comment? Indicates whether or not there is a comment on the action (yes/blank)

Adding New Documents

To add a new document, click the New button on the toolbar:

Loan Documentation View 4.png

The Loan Document Codes screen will launch:

Loan Documentation View 5.png

Select the document that you are adding to the loan. You can double-click it or click the Select button to add it to the loan:

Loan Documentation View 6.png

To add a new action to the document, click once on the document to highlight, then click into the Detail area below. This will change the toolbar on the top of the screen:

Loan Documentation View 7.png

Click the New button. The action is now added to the detail area:

Loan Documentation View 8.png

The actions are added in the order defined in the Loan Document Action Codes setup (in the Sort Order field).

Edit a Detail Item

To edit a detail item, you can either double-click it or click once and then click the Edit button on the toolbar. To save the changes, click the Save Comment button.

Delete a Detail Item

If you wish to delete a detail item, click on it once to activate the toolbar and click Delete. You will be prompted with a question such as this:

Loan Documentation View 9.png

If you are sure you wish to delete it, click Yes. The item will be removed.


You can also view the loan's insurance information from this screen. Click the Insurance button to launch the Loan Insurance Maintenance screen.

When you have finished viewing/editing the information, click Exit to return to the Loan Documentation screen.

When you have finished viewing/editing loan documentation, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.