Tribute Type Setup

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Overview of FR006SET

A tribute is a means of designating a gift or a portion of a gift in honor/memory of a specific individual, living or deceased. Based on the type of tribute, Connect-FR may be configured to automatically issue a receipt letter to the donor.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Connect FR
  • Double-click Tribute Type Setup. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Tribute Type Setup 1.png

Adding a New Tribute Type

To add a new tribute type, click the New button on the toolbar. The fields will activate for data entry:

Tribute Type Setup 2.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Tribute type Four-character code identifying a category of tributes and the receipt letter generated by this category
Description Brief alphanumeric description associated with a tribute type
Promo type Type the promo type code or click the list icon to select from a list of active promo type codes in the system. This will automatically associate this tribute type with the designated promo type. Leave the field blank if you do not wish to associate the tribute type with a promo type
Letter text Text to be displayed in the receipt letter acknowledging the tribute. The honoree’s name is displayed in place of the “&1”. This text is used as the default when you select a type for a new tribute. You can modify it in Tribute Entry, if desired

When you have finished entering the information, click Save to retain your changes and add the new tribute type.

Viewing Edit History

If you wish to view the edit history for a tribute, click it once to highlight and then click the History button.

When you have finished viewing the history, click Exit to return to the Tribute Type Setup screen.