Adding a Tribute to a Gift

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Overview of FR028UPD

A tribute is a gift given in memory or in honor of a person, organization or occasion. The tribute can be added to a gift once it has been saved. In order to add a tribute, you must first enter and save the gift in Gift Entry. Once the gift has been saved, click the Actions button on the toolbar and select Tribute:

Add Tribute 1.png

This will add the Tributes tab to the gift:

Add Tribute 2.png

To add a new tribute, click the New button on the toolbar. The fields will enable for data entry:

Add Tribute 3.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Tribute type Click the drop down arrow to select from a list of active tribute types in the system
PIN If the gift is in honor/memory of a constituent in your database, you can set that here. Type the PIN or click the search icon to locate the constituent. You can also add a constituent here by clicking the add button. This will take you to the constituent entry screen
Tribute amount Select either full amount or specific amount. If you select specific amount, the amount field will be activated so that you can enter the tribute amount
Notification Click the drop down arrow to select from a list of active tribute notification methods in the system
Receipt letter text The receipt letter text will default based on the tribute type selected above. You can modify this text if desired
Memo If you wish to add a memo to this tribute, you can do so here
In Honor/Memory of If the tribute is in honor/memory of an individual not in your database, you can type their name in this field

When you have finished entering the information, click OK. Click Save on the toolbar to retain your changes.