Include Donor Fields

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What are the field definitions for the fields included when you select Include donor fields?

The fields included in the "Include donor fields" option are:

Field Description
Segment Displays the donor segment code currently assigned to the donor
AmountTTD Displays the donor's total giving dollar amount to date
CountTTD The donor's total number of gifts to date
LrgAmount The largest gift amount in the donor's history
LrgDate Date of the donor's largest gift
LrgPTYP* The promotion type assigned to the donor's largest gift
LrgPSRC* The promotion source assigned to the donor's largest gift
LrgCtry* This field is also Desig 1. Displays the 1st designation assigned to the donor's largest gift
LrgProg* This field is also Desig 2. Displays the 2nd designation assigned to the donor's largest gift
FstAmount Displays the amount of the donor's first gift
FstDate The date of the donor's first gift
FstPTYPE* The promotion type associated with the donor's first gift
FstPSRC* The promotion source assigned to the donor's first gift
FstCtry* This field is also Desig 1. Displays the 1st designation assigned to the donor's first gift
FstProg* This field is also Desig 2. Displays the 2nd designation assigned to the donor's first gift
RecAmount The dollar amount of the donor's most recent gift
RecDate The date of the donor's most recent gift
RecPTYP* The promotion type associated with the donor's most recent gift
RecPSRC* The promotion source assigned to the donor's most gift
RecCtry* This field is also Desig 1. Displays the 1st designation assigned to the donor's most recent gift
RecProg* This field is also Desig 2. Displays the 2nd designation assigned to the donor's most recent gift

Fields marked with an * may have different labels, depending on how your organization has configured them