Gift Check Returned

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We have received a check back from a donor's bank. How can we remove the gift and update our General Ledger?

To remove the gift and credit the necessary accounts:

  • Double-click Connect FR
  • Double-click Gift Entry
  • In the gift number field, key in the gift number that you are wanting to work with:

Returned Check 1.png

  • Press Enter. The Gift screen will now appear:

Returned Check 2.png

Click the Delete button on the toolbar. You will be prompted with this message:

Returned Check 3.png

Click Yes. You will be prompted with this message:

Returned Check 4.png

Enter the date that you wish to have the transaction impact the GL. You can use today's date or the original GL date, whichever you prefer. Once you have entered the date, click OK. You will see this message:

Returned Check 5.png

Click the drop down arrow to the right of the Delete code, and select the reason that you are removing the gift:

Returned Check 6.png

You can add a comment to the deletion as well:

Returned Check 7.png

Click OK. You will see this message:

Returned Check 8.png

If you wish to create a credit memo, select that option. If you wish to void or reprocess the cash receipt, select that option. Then, click OK to proceed.

Create a credit memo

If you selected Create a credit memo, you will see this message:

Returned Check 11.png

Click OK. You will now have to Maintain or Process the Credit Memo

Void or reprocess cash receipt

If you selected void or reprocess cash receipt, you will see this screen:

Returned Check 9.png

Select the box to the left of the work #. Then, click the drop down arrow to select your void reason:

Returned Check 10.png

Enter the date that the check is being voided, and click OK. The check will be voided, the GL will be updated, and the gift will be removed.