Event Registration Entry

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Overview of EV10

The Event Registration Entry screen allows you to manually add new registrations to an event.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Event Registration
  • Double-click Event Registration Entry. You will see this screen:

Event Registration Entry 1.png

Adding a New Registration

To begin adding a new registration, click the New button on the toolbar. You will see this prompt:

Event Registration Entry 2.png

Click the drop down arrow and select the event that you are adding the registration to. Click Create. You will now see this screen:

Event Registration Entry 3.png

There are three tabs available on this screen.

Personal tab

The following fields are available on the Personal tab:

Field Description
Name PIN If the constituent is already in your constituent database, you can type the Name PIN or click the search icon to locate the PIN
Prefix If applicable, you can enter the prefix for this registration, or click the list icon to select from a list of available prefix codes in the system
First Name* If you selected a name PIN from your database, this field will automatically be populated. If not, enter the first name of the registrant
M.I. If you selected a name PIN from your database, this field will automatically be populated if it was entered on the constituent record. If not, enter the middle initial of the registrant
Last Name* If you selected a name PIN from your database, this field will automatically be populated if it was entered on the constituent record. If not, enter the last name of the registrant
Nickname If you selected a name PIN from your database, this field will automatically be populated if it was entered on the constituent record. If not, enter the nickname of the registrant, if applicable
Badge Name If you are generating badges for the event, enter the name that should appear on the badge for this registrant
Country The country field will default to the United States. If you wish to change it, click the Globe to select from a list of countries in the system
Address* If you selected a name PIN from your database, this field will automatically be populated if it was entered on the constituent record. If not, enter the address of the registrant
ZIP* If you selected a name PIN from your database, this field will automatically be populated if it was entered on the constituent record. If not, enter the ZIP code or click the list icon to select from a list of ZIP codes in the system
City* If you selected a name PIN from your database, this field will automatically be populated if it was entered on the constituent record. If not, enter the city of the registrant
State If you selected a name PIN from your database, this field will automatically be populated if it was entered on the constituent record. If not, enter the state of the registrant
Day Phone* If you selected a name PIN from your database, this field will automatically be populated if it was entered on the constituent record. If not, enter the day phone # of the registrant
Evening Phone If applicable, enter the evening phone # for the registrant
Address Type* If you selected a name PIN from your database, this field will automatically be populated if it was entered on the constituent record. If not, enter the address type code for the address you have entered. You can also click the list icon to select from a list of active address type codes in the system
Home Email If you selected a name PIN from your database, this field will automatically be populated if it was entered on the constituent record. If not, enter the home email address of the registrant
Work Email If you selected a name PIN from your database, this field will automatically be populated if it was entered on the constituent record. If not, enter the work email address of the registrant
Age If you selected a name PIN from your database, this field will automatically be populated if it was entered on the constituent record. If not, enter the age of the registrant
Gender If you selected a name PIN from your database, this field will automatically be populated if it was entered on the constituent record. If not, enter the gender code (M or F) of the registrant
Ethnicity If you selected a name PIN from your database, this field will automatically be populated if it was entered on the constituent record. If not, enter the ethnicity code of the registrant. You can also click the list icon to select from a list of active ethnicity codes in the system
Minister status If you selected a name PIN from your database, this field will automatically be populated if it was entered on the constituent record. If not, enter the ministry status code of the registrant. You can also click the list icon to select from a list of active ministry status codes in the system
Church PIN If the registrant is associated with a church, you can enter the church's PIN here or click the search icon to locate the constituent record for the PIN
Church Name If you select a church PIN, this field will automatically populate with the Church Name
Church Region If you select a church PIN, this field will automatically populate with the Church Region
Rel to Parent Reg If you select a church PIN, this field will automatically populate with the relationship code of the registrant with regard to the church PIN
Comment If desired, enter a comment on this registration. If you click the Full Size button, the Comment field will expand to full size. When you are finished, click OK to return to the Registration Entry screen
Apply Early Registration Discount If applicable, you can opt to apply an early registration discount to this registration by selecting this field

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required

Questions tab

When you click the Questions tab, you will see a screen similar to this one. Please note - the questions listed on this screen will be populated from the Event Questions you set up for this event:

Event Registration Entry 4.png

Mark your selections for the questions, if known.

Refund tab

When you click the Refund tab, you will see this screen:

Event Registration Entry 5.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Refund Amount Enter the amount being refunded to the registrant
Check Number Enter the check number of the refund, if applicable
Refund Date Enter the date you wish to use. You can type it in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Authorized By Enter the name of the authorizing staff member, if applicable
Reason Type the reason code or click the list icon to select from a list of active Refund Reason Codes in the system
Description If applicable, enter a description of the refund or other notes to be attached to the refund

When you have finished entering the information, click Save to proceed with adding the registration. You will now see a screen like this:

Event Registration Entry 6.png

On this screen, you can add child registrations or process the payment.

Adding Child Registrations

To add a child registration to this registration, click the Add button on the toolbar. This will launch the Registration Entry screen:

Event Registration Entry 7.png

Note that the screen displays the Parent Registration information at the top of the screen. The system also populates the address and church information, based on the parent registration's information. You have the ability to change any of the information displayed. When you have finished entering the information, click Save. Your Event Registration Entry screen will now look like this:

Event Registration Entry 8.png

Processing Registration Payment

NOTE: In order to be able to process credit card payments, you must have a merchant account with a credit card processing company. If you'd like information on which processing firms other DDI clients utilize, please contact DDI Client Support.

To process a registration payment, click the Payment button on the toolbar. You will see this screen:

Event Registration Entry 9.png

Click the Add button on the toolbar. The fields enable for data entry:

Event Registration Entry 10.png

The fields that you see on this screen will depend on the payment type that you select. For example, if you select Credit Card, you will see the following fields:

Event Registration Entry 11.png

Enter the information for the payment type that you have selected. When you have finished entering the information, click Save. The payment screen will now appear similar to this:

Event Registration Entry 12.png

When you have finished entering payment information, click Exit to return to the Event Registration Entry screen.

Modifying an Existing Registration

To modify an existing registration, enter the Registration Number or click the search icon to launch the Event Registration Inquiry screen. When the registration launches:

Event Registration Entry 13.png

Click the View button on the toolbar. This will launch the Entry screen:

Event Registration Entry 14.png

Click the Edit button on the toolbar. The fields will enable for modification. Make your desired changes. When you have finished, click Save to retain your changes.