Donor Account Maintenance

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Overview of FR010UPD

The Donor Account Maintenance screen gives you an overview of a donor's activity and history. It also allows you to view all of a donor's gifts, including soft credit, pledges, recurring gifts and planned giving, if applicable. When you access the Donor Account Maintenance screen, you'll see something similar to this:

Donor Account Maint 1.png

At the top of the screen, you will see the donor's master ID, the donor account number, the name and address of the donor, and the donor segment code. There are also several tabs of information on this screen.

Summary tab

The summary tab displays columns of information regarding the donor. If desired, you can click the Columns button to add or remove columns from this screen:

Donor Account Maint 2.png

The information on the top portion of the Summary tab will update based on the columns you've elected to display.

The bottom portion of the Summary tab shows donor activity by year. If you hover your mouse over a year, you will see the donor's total amount for that selection. For example, hovering your mouse over the Gifts area for a year, you will see the gift information:

Donor Account Maint 3.png

Gifts tab

If you click the Gifts tab, you will see a screen similar to this one:

Donor Account Maint 4.png

This screen lists all gifts credited to this donor account. The top portion of the Gifts tab lists the total gift amount for the donor's history, and the total number of gifts. Below, the line items display the first gift, largest gift, and individual gift information. If you double-click a line item, it will launch the Gift Entry screen for that gift, in view mode. Click Exit to return to the Donor Maintenance gift tab.

Additional tabs will be displayed, based on a donor's giving history. For example, if a donor has given soft credits, a Soft Credit tab will display. The same is true of Pledges, Recurring Gifts and Planned Gifts.

View button

For any gift on this screen, if you click the View button on the toolbar, you can opt to view the Edit History or view the Transactions screen.