Adding a Campaign Group

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Overview of FR037UPD

A campaign group allows you to group appeals beneath a campaign. For example, you might wish to have multiple appeals for a campaign, categorized into separate types. To do this, you would create a campaign, then add your campaign groups. From the Campaign Explorer screen, click Add and select New Campaign Group. You will see this screen:

New Campaign Group 1.png

Group Setup tab

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Group ID Enter a unique, alphanumeric group ID. This field is upper case, and is limited to 10 characters
Region If you are associating this group with a particular region, you can type the region code or click the list icon to select from a list of active regions in the system. Leave this field blank if inheriting region from the campaign
Description A brief description of the group
Date Enter the date that the group becomes active. You can type the date in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Theme Select from a list of active theme codes in the system
Approach Select from a list of active approach types in the system
Audience Select from a list of active audience codes in the system

When you have finished entering the information, click Save to retain your changes.

Also on this screen is a Statistics section. These fields will update as the campaign progresses:

New Campaign Group 2.png

The following fields are displayed here:

Field Description
Total cost Overall expense associated with the campaign group
Contacted Number of recipients for this campaign group. Display only
Amount Dollar amount raised under this campaign group. Display only
Count Number of respondents under this campaign group. Display only

Once you have saved the group, the Statistics tab becomes active and available for clicking.

Statistics tab

New Campaign Group 3.png

The statistics tab displays information related to appeals grouped within this campaign group. The fields visible on this screen are:

Field Description
# Contacted Number of contacts for all appeals beneath the group. Display only
# Responses Number of responses (donations) generated by appeals in this group. Display only
Response rate Number of responses divided by the number of contacts for all appeals in the group times 100. Display only
Total revenue Total dollar amount generated by the group's appeals. Display only
Total cost Total expense associated with the group's appeals. Display only
Net revenue Total response amount minus the total cost for the appeals. Display only
Cost per $ raised Total cost for the appeals divided by the total response amount (to four decimal places). Display only
Cost per contact Total cost for the appeals divided by the number of contacts (to four decimal places). Display only
Average response Average dollar amount contributed in response to this group. Takes the total response dollar amount and divides by the number of responses. Display only
Median response Rounds each donation amount under the group and calculates the median (or middle) based on rounded amounts. Display only
Mode Rounds each donation amount under the group and calculates the mode (or value occurring most commonly) based on rounded amounts. Display only
Yield per 1,000 Revenue dollar amount generated for each 1,000 contacts. Display only
Net Yield per 1,000 Revenue dollar amount generated for each 1,000 contacts, minus the cost for each 1,000 contacts. Display only

As responses to the appeal are received, the numbers and graph will update to reflect those changes.