Web Document Maintenance

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Overview of IL370UPD

The Web Document Maintenance screen allows you to manage documents used in the Online-CEF web application, such as:

  • Offering circulars
  • Privacy policies
  • Electronic signature documents

With the exception of the investment merge form, which currently needs to be a Microsoft Word document with a .docx extension, all documents within Web Document Maintenance must be in a .pdf format. If you need assistance with converting documents to a .pdf format, please contact DDI Client Support for assistance.

To set up your web forms:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Online-CEF
  • Double-click Web Document Maintenance. You will see this screen:

Web Doc 1.png

Note: In order to create new document types, you must be using the Online-CEF product. For information on how to configure these codes, please reference this page: Web Document Types

The first step is to select the document type that you wish to work with. Click the drop down arrow to the right of the Document type field to select the document you want to modify. The fields will now populate:

Web Doc 2.png

You now have the following options:

Toolbar button Action
New Adds a new document for the currently selected document type. Enter a description then click the “Attach new document” icon to the right of the “Document” field
Edit Allows editing of the selected document’s description and/or updating the document itself (via the “Attach new document” icon)
Delete Deletes the currently selected document
Save Saves changes to the document being added or edited
Undo Cancels the current add or edit operation
Replace This button is used to replace references to an existing document with another document and is most useful for updating offering circulars. The new document must have already been added. Select the document to be replaced and click the “Replace” button. This presents a dialog box that allows you to select the replacement document:

Web Doc Replace.png