Setting up a Trust as Investor

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One of our investors has set up a Trust, and would like the investments to be owned by the Trust. How do we set that up in the system?

The best way to configure that within DDI-Connect is to set up the Trust with a constituent record and account, and then link the Trustee(s) using the relationship of TRUSTEE.

Set Up Constituent Record(s)

  • Go to Name/Address Entry and add a new constituent record
  • Click New
  • When the "Select Account Type" box appears, select Organization:

Trustee 1.png

  • When the Name/Address Entry screen appears, enter the Trust information. Make sure you enter the Tax ID, since the Trust is going to be configured as the owner of the investment(s).

NOTE: If desired, set up an AI code for Trusts. That way, you have the ability to filter reports and extracts against trusts

  • Your organization should look something like this:

Trustee 2.png

Next, you'll add the trustee. Before you begin, double-check your Relationship codes and make sure that you have a relationship code configured for Trustee

  • From the Constituent Window, click Menu and select either Add New Constituent or New Relationship
    • If the trustee already exists as a constituent within your database, you will select New Relationship
    • If the trustee does NOT exist in your database, you will select Add New Constituent

Trustee 3.png

  • When the popup appears, select the relationship code you configured for Trustee in the Relationship field:

Trustee 4.png

  • Enter the information for the trustee
  • Click Save
  • When you look up the Trust, the constituent record should look similar to this:

Trustee 5.png

Set Up Accounts

Now that the constituent records have been added, you'll set up the accounts.

  • Click the New button
  • When the "Select a Constituent" button appears, key in the PIN for the Trust, or click the search icon to locate the constituent record:

Trustee 6.png

  • When the information populates the screen, click Create and select New Investment Account:

Trustee 7.png

Once the investment account has been created, you'll add the Trustee to the account.

  • Click the Constit button on the toolbar and select Add new constituent:

Trustee 8.png

  • Type in the Trustee's PIN or click the search icon to locate the constituent record:

Trustee 9.png

  • Click OK. Your screen will now look something like this:

Trustee 10.png