Setting up Job Processing

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Overview of DDI44SET

Job processing, otherwise known as periodic processing or daily, allows your organization to process reports and system updates such as donations, loan payments and investment deposits. Job processing is usually configured as a part of the DDI implementation process. However, there will be times when a job needs to be maintained or added. The instructions below will walk you through the process of maintaining this screen. You can also contact DDI Client Support for assistance.

NOTE: If you have system administrator access, you can click Admin on the toolbar and select Job Queue to reach the Job Maintenance screen.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Supervisor Menu
  • Double-click System Administration. You will see this screen:

System Administration Overview.png

Double-click the Jobs icon. You will see this screen:

Job Maintenance 2.png

You will see a screen similar to this one:

Job Maintenance 1.png

The columns on this screen contain the following information:

Column Description
Date codes The date codes field tells the system when this particular job should be run. A list of date codes can be found here
Seq The sequence field tells the system in what order to run the jobs for a particular date code. Please note that there are some jobs that must process in a certain order so that the system is updated properly
Program The program field indicates what process or report is being run. What the program name is will depend on what you are trying to run. For example:
Trying to run Program Name
Standard system report program name will be REPORTm.r where REPORT is the report identifier. For example, if you are trying to set up the Post Transactions to GL report, you would type fw20m.r. You can determine the report identifier by looking at the report parameter screen - in the upper left and lower left corners, it shows the report identifier
Process Processes that update account or constituent records should be entered as REPORTpro.r. For example, loan payment due processing is configured as il665pro.r
Report Generator or Info Query Report If you utilize either Report Generator or the Information Query to schedule reports, you can configure scheduled reports to run as a part of your periodic processing. They will appear as REPORTrtp.r, where REPORT is the report identifier. In order to schedule these reports, they must have been run at least once. If you would like assistance in configuring one of these report types, please contact DDI Client Support
Prm A system generated parameter number
Recur Is this a recurring job, ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. A recurring job runs each time the cycle is scheduled. A non-recurring job runs only once and is then deleted from the job stream
Descr A brief description of the job. When the program identifier is added to the job list, this field is auto-filled with the system description associated with it
Entity If your organization utilizes entities, this column lists the entity that the job is configured to run for

Adding a New Job

To add a new job to the queue, click the New button on the toolbar. The parameters screen will launch:

Job Maintenance 3.png

You have the following fields available:

Field Description
Sequence The sequence number determines where in the job queue the report or process will run. The system will default the sequence number, but you will want to verify it before saving. The best way to determine the sequence number is to identify what date code you plan to use, and then look at other jobs with that date code. You can then take the next available sequence number
Date codes Enter the date code or codes, separated by a + sign. For example, if the report should run daily and at month end, you would enter WD+ME. For a list of date codes, reference this page
Program Enter the program name in the format as outlined above (example:FW20m.r)
Description The description will auto populate in most cases, based on the program name. Otherwise, enter a short job description that will make it easy to identify what report or process is running
Program type In most cases, the system default of Report program will be the program type you select. Contact DDI Client Support if you feel the program type might have to be something other than Report program
Recurring entry 11. Be sure the Recurring entry box is checked. A recurring job runs each time the cycle is scheduled. A non-recurring job runs only once and is then deleted from the job stream. The vast majority of jobs are recurring

Tips on Report ID Discovery

If given desired report ID view Archived Reports in DDI-Connect to confirm whether report ID is indeed a report program

Tips on Report ID Nature

Find report ID on DDI-Connect menu and make note of menu icon

Icon Nature
Report read only icon.png Read-Only report
Report read write icon.png Read-Write report

Report Program Suffixes

Suffix Description Read-Write? Read-Only?
m.r Classic report suffix Possible Possible
mrg.r Recent report suffix related to reports that create mailmerge records Likely Unlikely
pro.p Recent report suffix related to reports that create records Likely Unlikely
rpt.r Recent report suffix related to reports that don't create records Unlikely Likely

When you have finished entering the information, click OK. The job will now appear in the Job Maintenance Queue:

Job Maintenance 4.png

Setting up Report Parameters

The next step is to set up your report parameters. Make sure that the report you wish to work with is selected and then click the Setup button on the toolbar:

Job Maintenance 5.png

When you click Setup, the report's parameters screen will launch:

Job Maintenance 6.png

To configure the date settings, click the calendar icon to the right of the date field:

Job Maintenance 7.png

For a complete description of the various date parameter options, reference this page.

Once you have established the date parameters, click OK to return to the report parameters screen. Click the Print Options button to configure how you want the report output to be handled.

Print Options

After clicking the Print Options button you will see the following options. Choose the desired options and click OK to return to the report parameters screen.

Print options.png

Option Description
Printer Click the drop down arrow to select from a list of available printers. DDI Connect uses your default printer unless told otherwise
Format Click the drop down arrow to select from a list of available formats. Select paper size, number of columns, and number of rows for printing. Each report has built-in format defaults. Select “Use Defaults” to use the built-in report defaults. The number of rows and columns controls the print size and amount of information per page
Memo If you wish, you can add a memo to the output of the report. NOTE: It is recommended that Word documents be saved with the .docx extension
View Report This option generates a pdf file that is displayed on the screen when the report is generated
Archive Report If this option is selected, the system will archive the report in the DDI Connect report archives. For information on working with archived reports, please reference this page: Archived Report Viewer
Print Report If selected, the system will generate the report output to your default printer. NOTE: You will also receive a pdf version of the report, displayed on your screen
Print via PDF Prints directly to your printer.
Email This option allows you to send a .pdf attachment of the report to the indicated users' email addresses. When OK is clicked, a dialog box will open requesting a recipient
Duplex/Top Prints the report on both sides of the paper in landscape style. The printer must be capable of printing on both sides or an error will occur
Duplex/Side Prints the report on both sides of the paper in portrait style. The printer must be capable of printing on both sides or an error will occur
Green bar Adds shaded, horizontal bars to the report, making it easier to read across columns
No dialog Selecting this option means that no ‘Report Completed’ dialog will display after the report has been generated
Extra copies If you want extra copies of the report generated, type the number in this field

When you have finished configuring the job, click OK. You can now add or modify another job.