Running Daily Processing

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Job Processing, when running, prevents access to certain financial transactions until it is complete. You will know if job processing is being run when you log in to the DDI Connect system, as you will receive a message "update authority is currently locked out system wide". This means that you will not be able to enter general ledger journals, accounts payable vouchers, etc.

If your DDI Connect system has been configured to use daily processing, you will follow these steps.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Process Monitoring
  • Double-click Job Processing. You will see this screen:

Daily 1.png

First, verify the processing date. Enter the appropriate processing date in the Processing Date field, select one from the popup calendar, or accept the default date.

The processing date may not necessarily be the current date. For example, if month end falls on a Saturday, the operator may choose to run the normal work-day processing for the previous Friday, then change the processing date to Saturday and run month end processing as well.

Just below the date, you'll see the Original Date Codes. Date Codes are codes used to tell the job processor when to run certain jobs. The table below lists common examples of date codes. The date codes listed in the Original Date Codes field are those set up on the calendar to run on the processing date.

Common Date Codes:

Date Code Definition
WD Work Day
WB Week Begin
WE Week End (used for the last work day of a week. In most organizations, this will be a Friday. However, organizations that work Saturday and Sunday may set Sunday to be WE)
HD Holiday
PRE-EOM Pre-End of Month
EOM End of Month
QTR Quarter
SANN Semi-Annual
EOC End of Cycle
EOY End of Year

You may also have jobs set up for specific days of the week. For example, MON for Mondays, FRI for Fridays, etc.

The Job Processing screen will automatically include jobs that match the processing date. For example, if you are running job processing on a Wednesday, the system will include WD and possible WED, if you have special jobs set up to run on Wednesdays.

You can also add or remove date codes. In most cases, for regular daily processing, you will not need to do this.

Click Continue. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Daily 2.png

On this screen, you will see all jobs that have codes matching the Original (or modified) Date Codes from the first screen. Review the list to make sure that all jobs say "Yes" in the Run? column. If they say No, you can double-click the line to toggle it to Yes. When you are ready to begin, click Start.

The first step in job processing is typically to change the business date. When the job starts, you will see this message:

Daily 3.png

Click Yes. You will now see this screen:

Daily 4.png

At the bottom of the screen, if any users are signed in to applications that could be updating records, you will see the user IDs. These individuals should complete their work and exit those applications in order for you to proceed. Type in the new business date in the Verification date field, and click Apply. Click Yes to save new date. Job Processing will now proceed.

As jobs run, you will see updates at the bottom of your screen:

Daily 5.png

There are certain procedures that will either generate reports or request input from you. Click through the screens as they appear, and job processing will continue.

The final job in daily processing is to change the process date. You will see this screen:

Daily 6.png

Review the business and process date, and verify that the New process date is correct. Also, make sure you type "Yes" in the Allow update transactions? field. Then, click Apply. The update lock is released, and the system dates updated.