Reprint Merge Requests

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Overview of WP06RPRINT

If you are in need of re-merging a batch that has already been merged, it is done via Reprint Merge Requests. To access the screen:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Merge Forms System
  • Double-click Reprint Merge Requests. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Reprint Merge 1.png

Enter a date range that will include the batch you are wishing to reprint and click Search. All batches that were merged during that date range will appear in a list:

Reprint Merge 2.png

You can select one or multiple batches on this screen. You can also select all by clicking the "Select All" box at the bottom of the screen.

To select a batch to remerge, click the box to the left of the batch, and then click Remerge:

Reprint Merge 3.png

NOTE: You can also select just certain records in a batch, if you only wish to remerge selected records. To do so, click the box to the left of the batch and then click Select:

Reprint Merge 4.png

Select the records you wish to remerge by clicking the box to the left of each record:

Reprint Merge 5.png

If you wish to view the detail of a particular record, click the Detail button on the toolbar. You will see the data for this record:

Single Record Detail.png

You can modify any field not marked with a *. Once you have reviewed/modified the information, click Save & Exit to return to the Select Single Records screen.

Click Exit. When you view the batch on the Reprint Merge Requests screen, it now says "Selected", rather than "All":

Reprint Merge 6.png

When you have made your selections, click the Remerge icon. This will take you to the Merge Print Requests screen, with the batch already selected to be merged:

Reprint Merge 7.png

Click Merge to launch the merge process. For information on how to complete the merge process, reference this page: Merging Documents