Month End Processing

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Within DDI Connect, the month end process can consist of both Pre-EOM and EOM (End of Month) processing, or it could just be the EOM processing. In either case, the month end processing should take place after you have processed your daily processing. For information on how to process daily, please reference this page: Running Daily Processing

The process for running pre EOM and month end is very similar to that of daily processing, except there are additional jobs that are processed. When you enter job processing on the last business day of the month, you will see codes similar to this:

ME 1.png

It is important to note that Pre-EOM and ME jobs should be run AFTER you have run your daily processing. First, verify that the processing date is correct, and that the Original date codes include the jobs you are wanting to run. You should see WD (for work day), PRE-EOM (if applicable) and ME. You may also see additional codes, depending on how your job processing queue is configured. Click Continue to display the list of jobs:

ME 2.png

As with daily processing, the first job should always be to set the business date, and the last job should always be to set the process date.

Verify that all jobs show "yes" in the Run? column, and click Start to begin your month end processing. As with the daily processing, the system will ask you to initiate Investment/Loan System shutdown:

ME 3.png

Click Yes to continue. The system will now prompt you to change the business date:

ME 4.png

Verify the current and new business date. IMPORTANT: If you are running month end for December, and the December 31st date does NOT fall on a week day, you will want to uncheck the "Restrict new business date to work days" and set the new business date to 12/31. This is because year end processing MUST have a business date of 12/31. In the verification date field, type the new business date again to verify, and click Apply to continue. The system will display this message:

ME 5.png

Click OK to continue. The job processing will continue:

ME 6.png

Follow the prompts on the screen to continue with job processing, until it is complete. When all jobs have finished, the system will prompt you to change the process date:

ME 7.png

Verify the process date and then type it in the New process date field. In the "Allow update transactions", type Yes, then click Apply. You will now see a message like this one:

ME 8.png

Click OK. You will be returned to the job processing screen. Click Exit to leave job processing.