Loan Guarantee Maintenance

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Overview of IL881

The Loan Guarantee Maintenance screen allows you to add a guarantee to a loan. To add a guarantee to a loan:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Loans
  • Double-click Loan Guarantees
  • Double-click Guarantee Maintenance. You will see this screen:

Guarantee Maintenance 1.png

To add a new loan guarantee, click the New button on the toolbar. The fields will now activate for editing:

Guarantee Maintenance 2.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Name Enter the name of the guarantee
Name PIN Select or enter the PIN of the loan guarantor
Lender # Enter the lender number
Balance Enter the total balance of the loan
Collateral Enter the percentage of the total balance that is guaranteed by the collateral
Amount Enter the total dollar value of the collateral for the loan
Rate Enter the interest rate of the loan
Interest paid Enter the interest paid to date on the loan
Start Enter the start date of the loan
Status Click the drop down arrow to select the status of the loan
Maturity Enter the date that the loan will mature, assuming all conditions of the loan have been met
Pmt date Enter the next payment date of the loan
Pmt amount Enter the regular payment amount of the loan
Pmt frequency Click the drop down arrow to select the regular payment frequency
Last pmt date Enter the date that the last loan payment was made
Last pmt amount Enter the amount of the last payment
Last int amount Enter the amount of the last interest paid

When you have finished entering the information, click Save. The guarantee is now saved:

Guarantee Maintenance 3.png

You can now click the Actions button and select Add to add the guarantee to the loan:

Guarantee Maintenance 4.png

The Loan Guarantee Cross Reference screen will appear:

Guarantee Maintenance 5.png

Type the loan number here or click the list icon to select from a list of loans in the system. Click OK or press Enter. The guarantee is now linked to the loan:

Guarantee Maintenance 6.png

If you wish to view the change history for any guarantee on this screen, click the History button