Item Quantity Adjustments

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Overview of IV160

Item Quantity Adjustments provides a means for recording the transfer of a quantity of inventory from one location to another and for adjusting the quantity of inventory at a given location.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Inventory
  • Double-click Inventory Counting
  • Double-click Item Quantity Adjustments. You will see this screen:

Item Quantity Adjustments 1.png

In order to begin the adjustment, you must tell the system which item you wish to work with. The following fields are available:

Field Description
Item number Enter the item number to be adjusted, or click the icon to view the Inventory Catalog
Item location Type the location code or click the list icon to select from a list of active locations in the system
Adjustment type Click the drop down arrow to select the type of adjustment being made on the item quantity

Once you have entered the information, click the Add button on the toolbar. The fields will enable for data entry:

Item Quantity Adjustments 2.png

The following fields are available:

Field Description
Transfer to location Enter the location code that you are transferring TO, or click the list icon to select from a list of available locations for the item
Current Qty The current quantity field will populate based on the location selected, and is a display only field
Transfer Qty Enter the number of items to be transferred to the new location

When you have entered the information, click Save. The screen will update as such:

Item Quantity Adjustments 3.png

When you have finished performing transfers for the item, click the Adjust Qty button on the toolbar. You will see this message:

Item Quantity Adjustments 4.png

If you click Request, the system will generate a Transfer Ticket request. If you click Process, the item quantities will be updated and you will be returned to the Item Quantity Adjustments screen.