Inquire Trans by Check Number

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Overview of IL181

If you need to look for a specific check number in Cash Receipts, you will use the Inquire Trans by Check Number to do so. This screen will not only help locate a check in a particular batch, it will display all transactions linked to the check.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Data Processing
  • Double-click Inquire Trans by Check Number. You will see this screen:

Check Inquiry 1.png

You have the following search fields available on this screen:

Field Description
Batch Type Click the drop down arrow if you wish to search a specific batch type. Leave at All batch types to search regardless of type
Starting date If you know about when the check was received, you can enter a starting date. The system will only search for the specified check number as of or beyond the entered date. Type the date in mm/dd/yyyy format or leave the field blank to search regardless of date
Check # Enter the check number you are searching for. This is a required field

When you have entered your search parameters, click Search. The system will display any results found:

Check Inquiry 2.png

Viewing Transaction Detail

To view the transaction detail for a check, click the transaction once to highlight it and then click the Detail button. This will launch the Transaction Detail screen. When you have finished viewing the detail, click Exit to return to the Check Inquiry screen.

Viewing Before/After (Edit History)

To view the Edit History for the transaction, click it once and then click the Before/After button. You will be taken to the Edit History screen. When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit to return to the Check Inquiry screen.

Viewing Check Image

If the check in question was scanned in to your system, you can click the View Image button to launch the check. When you have finished viewing, close the check to return to the Check Inquiry screen.