Generate Cycle Count Sheets

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Overview of IV340

The purpose of the Cycle Count Sheet Generation program is to generate and print cycle count sheets, and display previous sheets. Warehouse personnel use cycle count sheets to physically count the inventory on the shelves. The sheets contain the part numbers of the items to be counted and their locations in the warehouse. If several people are counting inventory, the program divides the task among them, and sheets are printed for each one. The list of items to be counted is determined by cycle count categories. Cycle count categories define counting cycles and counting dates attached to the inventory items. When a cycle count category is selected, the list of inventory items associated with it displays. Previous counting sheets can also be displayed and reviewed. Thus the user can see a history of previous counts.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Inventory
  • Double-click Inventory Counting
  • Double-click Generate Cycle Count Sheets. You will see the following screen:

Generate Cycle Count Sheets 1.png

To start a new cycle count sheet, click New. The screen now enables for further entry:

Generate Cycle Count Sheets 2.png

The Count Sheet PIN will automatically assign the next available PIN number. The rest of the fields available on this screen are:

Field Description
Cycle Count Category Type the cycle count category code or click the list icon to select from a list of active cycle count category codes in the system
Number of Counters Type the number of counters to be assigned to this count sheet
Memo If desired, enter a memo for the count sheet
Select all items to count Once the list populates, you can select all items to count, or select individual line items for the count sheets

The list will populate based on the cycle count category. Your screen will look similar to this:

Generate Cycle Count Sheets 3.png

Once you have selected the items to be added to the count sheets, click the Gen Sheets button on the toolbar. The system will prompt you with this message:

Generate Cycle Count Sheets 4.png

To generate the sheets, click Yes. The Cycle Count Sheets will be generated.