Event Setup

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Overview of Event Setup

Setting up an event requires a basic understanding of HTML language, if you are wanting to add different colors and other features. If you are not familiar with HTML, you can find a good set of tutorials here. You can also find a list of basic HTML commands here. You can also contact DDI Client Support for assistance. The fastest way to get an event configured in this system is to copy from an existing event, if possible. It will save you considerable time in formatting the various features of event registration.

DDI assistance will be required for setting up the graphics for the event, as they must be stored in the appropriate folder on our server. When you are ready to do so, contact DDI Client Support for assistance in getting the graphics saved to the appropriate location.

The Event Setup screen is only available via the DDI.org website. IMPORTANT NOTE: The password used to access this website is NOT your Citrix password.

  • Open your internet browser
  • Go to www.ddi.org
  • Click the Client Login link:

Event Setup 1.png

  • Locate the DDI Login link and click it:

Event Setup 2.png

  • Enter your user ID and password on this screen when it appears:

Event Setup 3.png

On the left side of your screen, you will see a list of links. What you see will depend entirely on the security you've been granted access to. Look for the link that reads Event Registration:

Event Setup 4.png

You will now see the following menu on the left side of your screen:

Event Setup 5.png

Under the Setup item, click Events:

Event Setup 6.png

You will see this screen:

Event Setup 7.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Event Number If you are setting up a brand new event, type the event number that you wish to assign. If you copied an event using the Copy Event function, you can click List to display a list of events, or type the event number and click Find to have the system populate the screen
Event URL The URL is automatically assigned once the event is saved
Year Enter the fiscal year that the event begins in
Organization No Enter your organization number. If you are not sure what it is, log in to DDI Connect. Look at the lower left corner of the screen - it will display your org number:

Event Setup 8.png

Start Date Enter the date that the event should be "live" and able to accept registrations
End Date Enter the last date that the event should be active
Event Active? Click Yes if the Event is active, No if it is still in setup phase
Early Registration Date If your organization is offering a discount for early registration, enter the last day that a registration is considered early registration. Registrations submitted after this date will not qualify for a discount
Final Web Date Enter the last date that web registrations will be accepted. Registrations can still be processed after this date, but they must be done manually via the Event Registration Entry screen within DDI Connect
Organization PIN No Informational use only, and only referenced on this page
Event Name Enter the name of your event
Description Enter a description of the event
City City where the event will be held
State/Province State (or Province) where the event will be held
Zip Zip code for the event location
Email The primary email address that you will use for event communication. This is typically the contact person's email address
Web Page If your organization has set up a web page for the event, you can enter the URL here. This is not the registration page, as that is what you are setting up. Rather, it could be your organization's website, or a page on your website that has been set up to provide information about the event
AI Codes If you wish to have the system automatically assign an AI code to registrants' constituent records, you can do so here. You must first set up the AI Code in DDI Connect. Once you have the AI code set up, enter it here. Every registrant will then have this AI code automatically added to their constituent record when they register
Cost The base cost of attending the event, if any
Refund Processing Fee If your organization charges a processing fee for refunds, enter it here
Last Refund Date If there is a cutoff date after which no refunds will be processed, enter that date here in mm/dd/yy format
Use Badges? Answer Yes/No on whether or not badges will be used for the event
Badge File Name Enter the name that you wish to use when the badge file is created
Require Age Entry? If you wish to require registrants to enter their age, select yes
Use 'Church' for 'CH/OR' search? On the Congregation Search page, it prompts for either Church or Organization. The Use Church for CH/OR search defaults that value to either Church (when marked Yes) or Organization (no)
Skip Payment Page? If there are no costs associated with your event, you can elect to skip the payment page
Allow ACH Payments? If you wish to allow registrants to pay via ACH, select yes
Require Church Entry? If you wish to require that registrants enter their church affiliation information, select yes
Display Church Info? If you wish to display linked church information, select yes
Delay Initial Username and Password Email? If you wish to have the username/password email sent immediately, select No. If you wish to delay the initial email, click Yes. The UserName/Password email will be delayed until you run the Send UserName and Password Email report
Name Change Email If registrants change (or need to change) their name, you can establish an email address to be notified upon name change
Contact Name Enter the name of the primary contact for the event
Contact Email Enter the email address of the primary contact for the event
Contact Phone 1 Enter the primary phone number of the event contact
Contact Phone 2 Enter the alternate phone number of the event contact
Contact Name If there is a secondary contact for the event, enter their name here
Support Email Enter the email address to be used for support emails related to the event (such as password reset requests, etc.)
Support Phone 1 If applicable, enter the phone number that registrants should use when support is needed for event registration
Support Phone 2 If applicable, enter the secondary phone number that registrants should use when support is needed for event registration
Header Graphic Enter the name of the file that you wish to use as the header graphic on your registration page
Footer Graphic Enter the name of the file that you wish to use as the footer graphic on your registration page
Style Sheet If your organization wishes to use a style sheet, enter the name of the style sheet you are using. DDI can assist you with this step
UserID Email Text This is the text of the email that registrants receive when they create their user ID and password. It does have some formatting requirements, in order to populate the user ID/password information
Registration Email Text This is the text of the email that registrants receive when they have paid for their registration. It does have some formatting requirements, in order to populate the registrant information
Reset Password Email Subj Enter the subject you wish to use when registrants request a password reset
Reset Password Email Text The text of the email registrants will receive when they reset their password. It does have some formatting requirements, in order to populate the password information
ACH Email From Address The email address to use as the "from" email when an ACH email is sent
ACH Email Subj The subject line you wish to use for ACH emails
ACH Email Text The text of the email registrants will receive when they pay their event fee by ACH. It does have some formatting requirements, in order to populate the registrant information
ACH Processed Email Subj Enter the subject line for the email that registrants will receive when their ACH payment has been processed
ACH Processed Email Text The text of the email registrants will receive when their ACH payment has been processed. It does have some formatting requirements, in order to populate the registrant information
Credit Email Text The text of the email registrants will receive when they pay their event fee via credit card. It does have some formatting requirements, in order to populate the registrant information
Welcome Text This is the text that is displayed on the first page of the event registration
Finish Text This is the text that is displayed on the last page of the event registration, when registrants complete their registration
Credit Processor The page of the website used for credit card payment processing
Credit Processor Email The email used by the credit processing firm
Processor Serial Number This serial number allows the credit payment to interface with the credit processor site, and is provided by your credit processing company
YearBook Year This field is only required if your organization utilizes the YearBook functionality within DDI Connect
Use Voter Status? If your organization tracks voter information, you can elect to use the voter status. Otherwise, leave defaulted to No
Members per Additional Vote If applicable, enter the members required per additional vote

When you have finished entering all of the event information, click Submit to save your changes. You will now want to set up the Discounts for the event (if applicable), along with the Questions for the event.