Complete Pick Tickets

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Overview of IV320

The purpose of this application is to record the quantity of items picked for each pick ticket. Once the pick ticket has been completely picked and entered, the user can close the ticket. After closing a pick ticket, the user is prompted to print packing slips and generate/print invoices. Users can generate and print invoices as soon as the items are picked. A closed ticket may also be reversed.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Inventory
  • Double-click Picking
  • Double-click Complete Pick Tickets. You will see this screen:

Complete Pick Tickets 1.png

Process Tickets

In order to complete a ticket, you must first specify the pick area and pick ticket number. You can enter the pick area code or click the list icon to select from a list of active pick areas in the system. Next, enter the pick ticket number or click the list icon to select from a list of pick tickets that are ready to be marked complete.

Once you have entered the information, click Search. The information will populate the screen:

Complete Pick Tickets 2.png

To complete a line item, click once. This will populate the item distribution area of the screen:

Complete Pick Tickets 3.png

This allows you to review the quantity and other information. When you have reviewed the details and are ready to complete the ticket, click the Process Ticket button on the toolbar. You will see this message:

Complete Pick Tickets 4.png

Click Yes. This message box will appear:

Complete Pick Tickets 5.png

First, click Print packing slips. The Print Options button will enable, as will the option to Include the "Ordered by line". If you select Include ordered by, the drop down will enable that allows to to select where to add the line.

If you select Generate Invoices, the following fields enable:

Field Description
Invoice date Enter the date you wish to use. You can type it in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
G/L transaction date Enter the date you wish to use. You can type it in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Order form code Type the form code or click the list icon to select from a list of active form codes in the system
Consignment form code Type the form code or click the list icon to select from a list of active form codes in the system
Print "FREE" for zero cost items To print the word "FREE" for zero cost items, select this box

If you select the Print Invoices option, you have following options:

Field Description
Print multiple copies If you wish to print multiple copies, select this item
Print copy names as watermarks To print the copy names as watermarks on their respective copies, select this option
Include "Ordered by" line in If you wish to include the "Ordered by" line, select this box. If you select it, the drop down will enable, allowing to you specify where on the invoice the line should be included
Interleave copies To select the method that the system should use for collating the copies, click the radio button to the left of the option you wish to use
Print Select which invoices you want the system to print

If you select Print Labels, you have the following options:

Field Description
Print for Click the drop down to select what you wish to print labels for
Print POSTNET ZIP barcodes To include the POSTNET ZIP barcodes on the labels, select this box
Capitalize label lines To capitalize the label lines, select this option
Include "Ordered by" line If you wish to include the Ordered by line on the labels, select this option
Copies Enter the number of copies of each label that should be generated

When you are ready, click Start. The system will process through each selected item and display the output as you requested. For samples of each of the items, please reference the linked documents.

Reverse Picking

To reverse a completed pick ticket, bring up the ticket number. When you have it on the screen, click Reverse Picking. You will see this message:

Complete Pick Tickets 6.png

To re-activate the ticket, click Yes. The total quantity processed column for each line item on the ticket will revert back to 0 and the ticket will once again be active.