Calculate Name and Address Counters

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Overview of NA018UPD

Calculate Name and Address Counters is designed to be run prior to certain Name/Address reports in order to update the consolidated information contained in those reports. Neglecting to do so means that the report information could be outdated. See below for descriptions of when each option is necessary.

  • Calculate constituent region/zip from primary address – The region assigned to a constituent record is derived from the primary address for that constituent. When multiple constituents use the same primary address record, changes to the address can cause the region to update for one constituent but not another. This option looks at all the constituents using the same primary address and makes sure that any region derived from the address is consistent for each of these constituents.

  • Calculate AI counts – DDI-Connect uses a summary table to track the number of constituents to which each account-information (AI) code has been assigned. This table allows the system to report statistics about this information more quickly through the AI Code Statistics Report (NA12). Rather than having to scan each individual Name/Address record to compile the information, NA12 can just report what is in the summary table. But Calculate Name and Address Counters must be run first. Especially if the codes list in Connect-CRM System Settings (AI Codes to use for Account Information) has been modified recently, you must run Calculate Name and Address Counters to update the AI code information in the summary table. These are the AI codes tracked in NA12.

  • Calculate regional counts – Just as AI counts in the summary table must be updated using this utility, regional counts must also be made current. Regional counts displayed in certain Name/Address reports may not be up-to-date unless Calculate Name and Address Counters has been run first. This is especially true if there have been address changes requiring updated regions across all linked constituents. Run Calculate Name and Address Counters before generating any of the following Name/Address reports:

WARNING: Because the options under Calculate Name and Address Counters scan each constituent record to populate the summary table, they may take a substantial amount of time to complete. You might prefer to run these outside of business hours or at a workstation that you can afford to tie up for a substantial length of time

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Name/Address System
  • Double-click Utilities
  • Double-click Calculate Name and Address Counters. You will see this screen:

NA Counters 1.png

Select the counter you wish to run, and click the Calc button on the toolbar. You will see this prompt:

NA Counters 2.png

If you wish to proceed, click Yes. The system will begin running the process. When the process completes, you will see this message:

NA Counters 3.png

Click OK.