Bill of Material Setup

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Overview of IV120

A bill of material is a list of items assembled under another item (i.e. a kit of parts). Use this application to create, edit, or delete a bill of material for an item. The kit and the items in it must already be defined using the Inventory Item window and entered into the Inventory Catalog.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Inventory
  • Double-click Setup
  • Double-click Bill of Material Setup. You will see this screen:

Bill of Material 1.png

In order to begin, you must first enter the Item Number you wish to work with. You can type the number into the Item number field, click the catalog icon to launch the Inventory Catalog, or click the list icon to launch the Item Catalog. Once you have selected the item you wish to work with, you will see this screen:

Bill of Material 2.png

To add an item to the bill of material, click the Add button on the toolbar. The fields will enable for data entry:

Bill of Material 3.png

The following fields are available:

Field Description
Item number Type the number, click the catalog icon to launch the Inventory Catalog, or click the list icon to launch the Item Catalog
Quantity Enter the quantity of this item that should be included with the parent item's bill of materials

When you have entered the information, click Save. The item will be added to the Bill of Material summary area. You can now add additional items as needed.