Invoice Item Detail for Miscellaneous Charges

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Overview of AR12MIS

When you click the Add button on Invoice Entry and select Shipping Charge, the following screen will appear:

Invoice Entry 6.png

There are two tabs available on this screen.

Line Item tab

The following fields are on the Line Item tab:

Field Description
Transaction The transaction type will default to Shipping for this item. However, you can click the drop down arrow to select another transaction type code, if you wish
Amount Enter the amount to be charged for this line item
Taxable If this amount is taxable, select this box
Description The description will default to the transaction code description. However, you can type whatever you wish in this box

Revenue Distribution tab

When you click the Revenue Distribution tab, you will see this screen:

Invoice Entry 6.png

You can distribute the shipping charges over up to 3 general ledger accounts. Type the GL number(s) or click the list icon to select from a list of active general ledger accounts in the system

When you have finished entering the information, click OK. The shipping charge is now added to your invoice.