Officer Mail Recipients

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Overview of NA61

The Officer Mail Recipients screen allows you to add or modify members to Committees that you have set up within the system.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Name/Address System
  • Double-click Officer Mail Recipients. You will see this screen:

Officer Mail Recipients 1.png

First, select the committee that you wish to work with. In the Committee field, enter the committee code or click the list icon to select from a list of committees in the system:

Officer Mail Recipients 2.png

When you select a list, the bottom portion of the screen will populate with the members:

Officer Mail Recipients 3.png

Adding New Committee Members

To add a new officer to a committee list, click the Add button on the toolbar. The fields will now enable for entry:

Officer Mail Recipients 4.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
PIN Enter the PIN for the constituent you are adding. You can type it in or click the search icon to launch Name/Address Inquiry
Address The system will populate the Address field based on the constituent you select. If there are more than 1 address records attached to the constituent, all addresses will display and you can select the one you wish to use
Position You can enter the constituent's position code or click the list icon to select from a list of active position codes in the system
Quantity Enter the number of pieces that this constituent should receive with each mailing
Represents Example
Start date Enter the date that the constituent started their position. You can type it in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
End date Enter the date that the constituent will complete their position. You can type it in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Continue sending mail after term ends If this constituent should continue to receive mailings even after their term ends, select yes. Otherwise, select no

When you have finished entering the information, click Save. This will add the constituent to this committee.

Editing a Committee Member

To edit a record within a committee, you can either double-click the record or click it once to highlight and then click Edit. The fields will activate for editing:

Officer Mail Recipients 5.png

When you have finished making your modifications, click Save.

Other Committees Menu

After adding a committee member, you have the ability to add them to additional committees, change their committee membership, or remove the committee. To do so, click the Menu button to the right of the Other Committees area:

Officer Mail Recipients 6.png

New Committee

To add the selected constituent to a new committee, click the member and then click the Committees tab, or click the Menu button and select New Committee:

Officer Mail Recipients 7.png

The screen will now activate the Committees tab:

Officer Mail Recipients 8.png

Fill in the prompted information, and click Save. The new committee will now appear in the Other Committees area for the officer:

Officer Mail Recipients 9.png

Change Committee

To modify an existing committee membership, click Menu and select Change Committee:

Officer Mail Recipients 10.png

This will activate the following fields for modification:

Officer Mail Recipients 11.png

When you have finished making your changes, click Save.

Remove Committee

To remove an officer from a committee, click Menu and select Remove Committee:

Officer Mail Recipients 12.png

The system will prompt you with this question:

Officer Mail Recipients 13.png

If you are sure, click Yes. The officer will be removed from that committee.


If you wish to generate mailing labels for the mailing list, click the Labels button on the toolbar. You will have two options:

Mailing List Maint 10.png

Print Labels

If you select Print Labels, the Label Parameters screen will launch:

Mailing List Maint 11.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Region To generate labels only for those members in a particular region, type the region code or click the list icon to select from a list of active regions in the system. Leave this field blank to generate for all members
One Per Member (Disregard quantity) If this is selected, only one label will be generated for each recipient, regardless of the amount in the "Quantity" field of the member's record
Use Member Quantities If selected, the system will generate labels according to the Quantity field for each mailing list member
Include AI Codes If you wish to generate labels for only those members having one or more AI codes, you can do so here. Type the code or codes, separated by commas, or click the list icon to select from a list of active AI codes in the system. Leave the field blank to generate labels for all recipients
Exclude AI Codes If you wish to exclude those members having one or more AI codes, you can do so here. Type the code or codes, separated by commas, or click the list icon to select from a list of active AI codes in the system. Leave the field blank to generate labels for all recipients
Combine Residents If selected, the system will only generate one label for each unique address
Include Prefix for Labels If selected, the system will include prefixes on the label output
Capitalize Labels If selected, the label information will print in all capital letters
Include Deleted Names If selected, members indicated as deleted or deceased will still have labels printed
Include Spouses If selected, spouse names will be included on labels
Print PIN on label If selected, the constituent PIN will be printed on the labels

When you have made your selections, click OK. The system will launch the Envelopes and Labels screen:

Mailing List Maint 12.png

Select your parameters to generate the labels.

Print to File

If you select Labels and choose Print to File, you will see the following label parameters screen:

Mailing List Maint 13.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Region To generate labels only for those members in a particular region, type the region code or click the list icon to select from a list of active regions in the system. Leave this field blank to generate for all members
File Name Click the folder to navigate to the location where you wish to save the file. Name the file and click Open
Include AI Codes If you wish to generate labels for only those members having one or more AI codes, you can do so here. Type the code or codes, separated by commas, or click the list icon to select from a list of active AI codes in the system. Leave the field blank to generate labels for all recipients
Exclude AI Codes If you wish to exclude those members having one or more AI codes, you can do so here. Type the code or codes, separated by commas, or click the list icon to select from a list of active AI codes in the system. Leave the field blank to generate labels for all recipients
Combine Residents If selected, the system will only generate one label for each unique address
Include Deleted Names If selected, members indicated as deleted or deceased will still have labels printed

When you have entered the parameters you wish to use, click OK. The system will generate the file, which you can then use to create a mail merge.