Item Catalog

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Overview of IV110

The Inventory (Item) Catalog contains a list of all items in the inventory. The items are listed by groups, subgroups, part number, and description. The purpose of the groups and sub-groups, referred to as attributes of the items, is to categorize item records making it easier to search for them. The groups, subgroups, and items are laid out in a tree-structured format irrespective of their physical locations. An item can be located in multiple places under different categories, if necessary. When a new item record is established using the Inventory Item program, it is critical that it be added to the Inventory Catalog as well as the Warehouse Explorer. The Inventory Catalog is referenced by other programs whenever an inventory part number needs to be entered in a field (such as during Order Entry or Item/Order Inquiry).

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Inventory
  • Double-click Item Catalog. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Item Catalog 1.png

If you double-click an item at the top level, the sub-groups will display:

Item Catalog 2.png

To edit the catalog, click the Edit Catalog button on the toolbar. The system will load the catalog for editing, and the toolbar will now look like this:

Item Catalog 3.png

Add Item

To add a new item, click the Add item button on the toolbar. This will launch the Inventory Item screen. When you have finished adding the information, click Save, then click Exit to return to the Inventory Catalog.

Add Attribute

The purpose of the groups and sub¬groups, referred to as attributes of the items, is to categorize item records making it easier to search for them. To add a new attribute, click, the line that you wish to add the attribute under. For example:

Item Catalog 4.png

With the line highlighted, click the Add attr button on the toolbar. Your screen will now look like this:

Item Catalog 5.png

Enter the attribute and press Enter. Your screen now looks like this:

Item Catalog 6.png

NOTE: Your changes will not be saved until you click the SAVE button on the toolbar

When you have finished adding attributes, click Save to retain your changes.


If you wish to relocate items in the catalog, you can use the cut/copy/paste functions to do so.

To move an item, click it once to highlight it, and then click Cut. Go to the group that you wish to move the item TO, click it once to highlight and then click Paste.

To copy an item, the process is the same, except you click Copy instead of Cut.

Again, when you've finished making your changes, click Save.