HP & Dental Arrearage Processing

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Overview of HC860

Healthcare and Dental Arrearage Processing performs the following critical processes regarding healthcare and dental policies whose payments are not current:

  • It examines active healthcare and dental policies to determine whether their payments are past due.
  • It terminates healthcare and dental policies meeting the criteria defined in Past Due Notice Maintenance

You can run the report in preview or update mode. The report output displays information such as the category code, notice number, form code, group class, policy number, PIN, and name/address information. To run this process:

  • From the DDI-Connect main menu, double-click Health Care
  • Double-click Reports & Processing
  • Double-click 860 - HC & Dental Arrearage Processing. The parameters screen will launch:

HC860 1.png

Initially, there are two fields on this screen:

Field Description
Processing date The date will default to the current business date. To change the date, type it in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Update If this is not selected, report will run in preview mode. If selected, the process will run in update mode and policy records will be changed

If you select Update, you will see the following additional fields:

HC860 2.png

Field Description
Merge Method Click the list icon to select the method desired to create the notices. Your options are:

Option Description
Online This option creates electronic copies only
Paper This option creates paper copies
User This option creates merge documents based on user preferences
Status for terminated policies Example
Reason for termination of policies Example
Reason for termination of insureds Example