HP Transaction Inquiry

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Revision as of 17:15, 16 April 2013 by Smiller (talk | contribs)
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Overview of PF002INQ

The Transaction Inquiry screen allows you to view all transactions that have taken place for a Health Care policy. When you click View --> Transactions, you will see a screen similar to this one:

HC Trans 1.png

This screen allows you to filter the transactions based on date. To filter by date, enter a date range in the from/thru fields and click Search:

HC Trans 2.png

If you click a transaction in the inquiry results screen, the system will display the transaction details in the lower portion of the screen:

HC Trans 3.png



Clicking the Changes button while a transaction is selected will launch you into the Edit History for that transaction. Click Exit to return to the Transaction Inquiry screen.

GL Trans

Clicking the GL Trans button will launch the General Ledger Transaction Inquiry screen for this transaction.



Reverse Application of Cash Receipt

Exclude Tran from 1099 Reporting