Windows 11 - Update Remote Desktop Bug

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This page outlines how to fix the remote desktop (RDS) bug introduced with a recent Windows 11 update (2023).

  • Open Registry Editor by navigating to Start > Registry Editor > Open

  • Browse to: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\TerminalServices\Client

  • In the right pane, look for the key: fClientDisableUDP

If it exists, set its value to 1. If fClientDisableUDP does not exist, create it by right-clicking the right pane > New > DWORD (32 bit) Value.

Rename the key to fClientDisableUDP and change the value to 1 by right-clicking fClientDisableUDP> Modify, change the value to 1, and hit OK

  • Close the Registry Editor