Vouchers Not Allowing Modifications

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We are trying to edit vouchers. They have not yet been processed, but are not allowing us to edit them. Why can't we edit the vouchers?

If your organization utilizes the voucher approval process, the most likely cause is that the voucher has been approved. Once a voucher has been approved, further modifications are not possible unless it is marked Unapproved. To unapprove the voucher, go to the voucher approval screen and locate the voucher(s) in question. Select them and then click Unapprove. This will revert the voucher(s) to an open state, where they can be modified.

NOTE: If your organization turned on Voucher Approval but then decided to turn it off, any voucher that was processed/approved during that time will have to be unapproved in order for you to edit them. Turn Voucher Approval on, unapprove the voucher(s), then turn the Voucher Approval back off.