Update Authority Temporarily Locked Out

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When I or anyone else logs in to the DDI Connect system, we're getting an error message "Update Authority is Temporarily Locked Out System Wide". What does that mean and how do we fix it?

What you are referencing is this pop up:

Update Authority.png

It means that periodic processing is being run, so access to certain financial transactions (such as entering general ledger journals, accounts payable vouchers, etc.) is disabled. The message will automatically clear when periodic processing completes. However, if the message persists, someone with system administrator access to your DDI Connect system can disable the lock.

From the DDI Connect main menu, click Admin and select Organizations. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Org Maintenance 1.png

Double-click the icon for your organization. You will now see this screen:

Org Maintenance 2.png

Uncheck the "Update lock" and click OK. You can now log out and back in to the DDI Connect system without receiving the Update Lock message.