Setting up Remote Desktop

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Remote Desktop

Installing Remote Desktop Apps for Windows

  • Search for Control Panel

Image2019-5-23 14-11-29.png

  • Go to “RemoteApp and Desktop Connections.”

NOTE: You may need to change the view to icons

Image2019-6-6 11-4-17.png

  • Select “Access RemoteApp and desktops.”

Image2019-4-26 14-15-37.png

Image2019-4-26 14-16-4.png

  • Enter your username and password

NOTE: You need to add ddi\ to the front of your username in most cases

Image2019-5-23 14-15-18.png

  • If done correctly, you will see the following screen as confirmation

Image2019-4-26 14-16-41.png

  • Now you should be able to find each DDI environment (Production, Client, and Test) as applications on your computer. They will most likely be under the recently added section. You can then right-click on any of the applications and add them to your start menu for easy/quick access.

Image2019-5-23 14-21-31.png

Installing Remote Desktop Apps for Mac

  • Go to the APP Store
  • Search for "Microsoft Remote Desktop"
  • Download the Microsoft Remote Desktop application:


  • Open the application- this is what it looks like when you open it for the first time- select to "Continue":

NOTE: You do not have to allow access for this to work.



  • You will come to a screen that looks like this:


  • Enter the following URL and click "Add":


  • When the screen for "Enter Your User Account" appears, add your login credentials and click to "Continue".

NOTE: You need to add ddi\ to the front of your username in most cases


  • This will take you to your screen where your icons are that you can save to your desktop.
