Report Generator Line Types

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Overview of FW42ADD

Below is a list of the line types available within Report Generator, along with information regarding their properties screens.


The ACCT line type displays G/L Account(s) information. The properties screen for Account Lines has three tabs.

G/L Account Tab

The G/L Account tab looks like this:

New Report 16.png

The following fields are available:

Field Description
Text Enter the line description here. For example "Fund Balances"
Indent If you wish to have the line indent, you can do so. Enter the number of character spaces that should be used for the indent
G/L Segment Selections This is where you tell the system which GL accounts (or segments) you wish to include for this line of the report. If you wish to include only a specific account, you can enter the appropriate segments in each field. Or, you can type the code or click the list to select each segment. Using the Fund example, for instance, you may wish to include all unrestricted funds
Printing Mode The printing mode tells the report how to display all accounts that match the selections you made in the Segment selections. For example, you may wish to print all matching accounts on separate lines (print all), or you may wish to combine them all into a single line of information (combine into one line). You can also have the line accumulate without printing so that it can be later displayed in a subtotal, or subtract without printing. These options calculate a running total without displaying the information on the report output
Include Closing Amounts? If you wish to include closing amounts, you can make that selection here
Amounts Normally This tells the system if matching GL accounts normally debit or debit. You can select the option, or choose to "use defaults", which will use the GL account setting.
Alternate calculation Example

Formatting Tab

When you click the Formatting tab, you will see this screen:

New Report 17.png

You have the following options on this screen:

Field Description
Force dollar sign Most reports don't print dollar signs with numbers except on the first line of the report or after a total. Set this value to “Yes” if you want dollar signs to print on this line
Column indentation Example
Percentage base This option is only used in reports that have a “PC” column type, which is a column showing percentages of a total. Example:
Account #1 $25.00 25%
Account #2 $75.00 75%
Total $100.00 100%

For the total line, the percentage base is set to total backward. This is the most common case. However, it is possible to calculate and print a total, then print accounts below the total that add up to this total. In this case the percentage base would be set to total forward

Line suppression If you wish to suppress the line, click the drop down to select the type of suppression you wish to use. For example, you can tell the report not to print this line if all values are 0, or if the next line is suppressed, etc.
Column suppression This field is rarely used. Click the drop down to view all available options. Column suppression has no effect if the entire line is suppressed. Otherwise, depending upon the option, it can cause values in certain columns not to print, to change signs, or to print as a zeroes

Font/Color Tab

When you click the Font/Color tab, you will see this screen:

New Report 18.png

This tab allows you to set the font size, formatting (bold and/or italic) and the color of both the text and the background.


The LIT line type is for literal text. It allows you to insert text into a line, without additional calculations or numbers. The LIT properties box has two tabs.

Text Tab

The Text tab looks like this:

LIT 1.png

There are two fields on this screen:

Field Description
Text Enter the text you wish to display on the report. For example, you may want to add a line that reads *Amounts do not yet reflect adjustments* or something along those lines
Indent If you wish to have this line indent, enter the number of character spaces it should indent

Font/Color Tab

When you click the Font/Color tab, you will see this screen:

LIT 2.png

This tab allows you to set the font size, formatting (bold and/or italic) and the color of both the text and the background.


The UL line selection allows you to add an underline to the line above. When you click the UL line type, you will see this screen:


This screen allows you to select the underline format and color, as well as column indentation (if desired).


The PAT line type is a print accumulated total line. If you opted to "accumulate without printing" when you set up the lines above this line, the system will now print the total amount accumulated. The properties box for PAT lines has two tabs:

Format Tab

The format tab looks like this:

PAT 1.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Text Enter the text you wish to have appear on the report for this line
Indent If this line should indent, enter the number of characters that should be used
Force dollar sign If you wish to force the dollar sign for this line, enter yes
Column indentation This option is only useful for a report that has been set up as a balance sheet. Generally on a balance sheet, column 1 contains balances for general-ledger accounts. Subtotals are indented to the second column, and totals are indented to the third column. These additional columns must all be set up with indentation. For any line (such as a total) where the value should be indented to the right, the user enters in how many columns to the right to move
Percentage base This option is only used in reports that have a column type showing percentages of a total. Example:
Account #1 $25.00 25%
Account #2 $75.00 75%
Total $100.00 100%

For the total line, the percentage base is set to “B” (backward). This is the most common case. However, it is possible to calculate and print a total, then print accounts below the total that add up to this total. In this case the percentage base would be “F” (forward)

Line suppression If you wish to suppress the line, click the drop down to select the type of suppression you wish to use. For example, you can tell the report not to print this line if all values are 0, or if the next line is suppressed, etc.
Column suppression This field is rarely used. Click the drop down to view all available options. Column suppression has no effect if the entire line is suppressed. Otherwise, depending upon the option, it can cause values in certain columns not to print, to change signs, or to print as a zeroes
Amounts normally Select if the amounts should normally debit, normally credit, or use the account defaults (automatic)

Font/Color Tab

When you click the Font/Color tab, you will see this screen:

PAT 2.png

This tab allows you to set the font size, formatting (bold and/or italic) and the color of both the text and the background.


This selection inserts a Total line. When you select TOT, you will see this screen:

TOT 1.png

Format Tab

The Format tab looks like this:

TOT 1.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Total level (1-20) The total level (1-20) whose values are used to derive the values in another column. For example, if a total line has been designated total level 1, another column of type “Percent Total” can calculate percentages totaling 100 based on the values contributing to this total amount.
Text Enter the text you wish to have appear on the report for this line
Indent If this line should indent, enter the number of characters that should be used
Force dollar sign If you wish to force the dollar sign for this line, enter yes
Column indentation This option is only useful for a report that has been set up as a balance sheet. Generally on a balance sheet, column 1 contains balances for general-ledger accounts. Subtotals are indented to the second column, and totals are indented to the third column. These additional columns must all be set up with indentation. For any line (such as a total) where the value should be indented to the right, the user enters in how many columns to the right to move
Percentage base This option is only used in reports that have a column type showing percentages of a total. Example:
Account #1 $25.00 25%
Account #2 $75.00 75%
Total $100.00 100%

For the total line, the percentage base is set to “B” (backward). This is the most common case. However, it is possible to calculate and print a total, then print accounts below the total that add up to this total. In this case the percentage base would be “F” (forward)

Line suppression If you wish to suppress the line, click the drop down to select the type of suppression you wish to use. For example, you can tell the report not to print this line if all values are 0, or if the next line is suppressed, etc.
Column suppression This field is rarely used. Click the drop down to view all available options. Column suppression has no effect if the entire line is suppressed. Otherwise, depending upon the option, it can cause values in certain columns not to print, to change signs, or to print as a zeroes
Amounts normally Select if the amounts should normally debit, normally credit, or use the account defaults (automatic)
Negate this total (reverse sign) If this total should be negated with a reverse sign, select this option

Font/Color Tab

When you click the Font/Color tab, you will see this screen:

TOT 2.png

This tab allows you to set the font size, formatting (bold and/or italic) and the color of both the text and the background.


This selection inserts a Grand Total line. When you select GTOT, you will see this screen:

GTOT 1.png

Format Tab

The Format tab looks like this:

GTOT 1.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Text Enter the text you wish to have appear on the report for this line
Indent If this line should indent, enter the number of characters that should be used
Force dollar sign If you wish to force the dollar sign for this line, enter yes
Column indentation This option is only useful for a report that has been set up as a balance sheet. Generally on a balance sheet, column 1 contains balances for general-ledger accounts. Subtotals are indented to the second column, and totals are indented to the third column. These additional columns must all be set up with indentation. For any line (such as a total) where the value should be indented to the right, the user enters in how many columns to the right to move
Percentage base This option is only used in reports that have a column type showing percentages of a total. Example:
Account #1 $25.00 25%
Account #2 $75.00 75%
Total $100.00 100%

For the total line, the percentage base is set to “B” (backward). This is the most common case. However, it is possible to calculate and print a total, then print accounts below the total that add up to this total. In this case the percentage base would be “F” (forward)

Line suppression If you wish to suppress the line, click the drop down to select the type of suppression you wish to use. For example, you can tell the report not to print this line if all values are 0, or if the next line is suppressed, etc.
Column suppression This field is rarely used. Click the drop down to view all available options. Column suppression has no effect if the entire line is suppressed. Otherwise, depending upon the option, it can cause values in certain columns not to print, to change signs, or to print as a zeroes
Amounts normally Select if the amounts should normally debit, normally credit, or use the account defaults (automatic)

Font/Color Tab

When you click the Font/Color tab, you will see this screen:

GTOT 2.png

This tab allows you to set the font size, formatting (bold and/or italic) and the color of both the text and the background.


Selecting this option inserts a blank line into your report


Selecting this option inserts multiple blank lines into your report


Selecting this option inserts a page break into your report


Selecting this option inserts a horizontal line into your report


Selecting this option will allow you to insert a block of text into your report. When you select TEXT, this screen will launch:


Enter the text you wish to insert. When you are finished, click OK to return to your report layout screen.


This option inserts Balance Sheet calculations into your report. When you select this option, the following screen will launch:

BS 1.png

Format Tab

The format tab looks like this:

BS 1.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Type Click the drop down to select the type of total line you're inserting
Entity If your organization has multiple entities configured within FundWriter Setup, you can establish which entity you wish to perform the calculations for. Type the entity code or click the list icon to select from a list of entities
Text Enter the text you wish to have appear on the report for this line
Indent If this line should indent, enter the number of characters that should be used
Force dollar sign If you wish to force the dollar sign for this line, enter yes
Column indentation This option is only useful for a report that has been set up as a balance sheet. Generally on a balance sheet, column 1 contains balances for general-ledger accounts. Subtotals are indented to the second column, and totals are indented to the third column. These additional columns must all be set up with indentation. For any line (such as a total) where the value should be indented to the right, the user enters in how many columns to the right to move
Percentage base This option is only used in reports that have a column type showing percentages of a total. Example:
Account #1 $25.00 25%
Account #2 $75.00 75%
Total $100.00 100%

For the total line, the percentage base is set to “B” (backward). This is the most common case. However, it is possible to calculate and print a total, then print accounts below the total that add up to this total. In this case the percentage base would be “F” (forward)

Line suppression If you wish to suppress the line, click the drop down to select the type of suppression you wish to use. For example, you can tell the report not to print this line if all values are 0, or if the next line is suppressed, etc.
Column suppression This field is rarely used. Click the drop down to view all available options. Column suppression has no effect if the entire line is suppressed. Otherwise, depending upon the option, it can cause values in certain columns not to print, to change signs, or to print as a zeroes
Amounts normally Select if the amounts should normally debit, normally credit, or use the account defaults (automatic)

Font/Color Tab

When you click the Font/Color tab, you will see this screen:

BS 2.png

This tab allows you to set the font size, formatting (bold and/or italic) and the color of both the text and the background.


This option inserts all accounts in a specified class. When you select this option, you will see this screen:

ACLS 1.png

Format Tab

The Format tab looks like this:

ACLS 1.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Account class Type the account class code or click the list icon to select from a list of active account class codes in the system
Entity If your organization has multiple entities configured within FundWriter Setup, you can establish which entity you wish to perform the calculations for. Type the entity code or click the list icon to select from a list of entities
Expand combined segments If you wish to expand combined segments on the report output, select this option
Indent totals to the right If you wish to indent totals to the right for this line, select this option
Print dollar signs with totals If you wish to print dollar signs for the totals on this line, select this option
Indent If you wish to indent this line, enter the number of character spaces that the line should indent
Line suppression If you wish to suppress the line, click the drop down to select the type of suppression you wish to use. For example, you can tell the report not to print this line if all values are 0, or if the next line is suppressed, etc.
Column suppression This field is rarely used. Click the drop down to view all available options. Column suppression has no effect if the entire line is suppressed. Otherwise, depending upon the option, it can cause values in certain columns not to print, to change signs, or to print as a zeroes

Font/Color Tab

When you click the Font/Color tab, you will see this screen:

ACLS 2.png

This tab allows you to set the font size, formatting (bold and/or italic) and the color of both the text and the background.


Selecting this option will insert all accounts of a certain class/type. When you select this option, you will see this screen:

ATYP 1.png

Format Tab

The format tab looks like this:

ATYP 1.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Account class Type the account class code or click the list icon to select from a list of active account class codes in the system
Entity If your organization has multiple entities configured within FundWriter Setup, you can establish which entity you wish to perform the calculations for. Type the entity code or click the list icon to select from a list of entities
Account type Type the account type code or click the list icon to select from a list of active account type codes in the system. Account types are designated within the Chart of Accounts setup
Expand combined segments If you wish to expand combined segments on the report output, select this option
Indent totals to the right If you wish to indent totals to the right for this line, select this option
Print dollar signs with totals If you wish to print dollar signs for the totals on this line, select this option
Indent If you wish to indent this line, enter the number of character spaces that the line should indent
Line suppression If you wish to suppress the line, click the drop down to select the type of suppression you wish to use. For example, you can tell the report not to print this line if all values are 0, or if the next line is suppressed, etc.
Column suppression This field is rarely used. Click the drop down to view all available options. Column suppression has no effect if the entire line is suppressed. Otherwise, depending upon the option, it can cause values in certain columns not to print, to change signs, or to print as a zeroes

Font/Color Tab

When you click the Font/Color tab, you will see this screen:

ATYP 2.png

This tab allows you to set the font size, formatting (bold and/or italic) and the color of both the text and the background.


Selecting this option will insert a segment break into your report.


Selecting this option will total all lines within the segment. This will only apply if you have utilized segment breaks.


Adding a CTOT line is the same as adding a TOT line type, without actually printing anything in the report. For example, if you need to print financial figures in a report that should NOT be included in the totals, you would use the CTOT line type to clear the accumulated totals.

When you select the CTOT line type, you will see this screen:


Enter the total levels (1-20) that should be cleared at the point that the CTOT line has been added.