Report Generator:Creating a New Report

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Overview of FW42UPD

NOTE: Creating a new report within Report Generator requires some basic understanding of report creation software and the associated functionality. If you are NOT familiar with these types of software, we strongly recommend that you contact DDI for assistance in designing your custom reports.

To create a new report using Report Generator:

  • From the main menu of DDI-Connect, double-click FundWriter
  • Double-click FundWriter Reports
  • Double-click Report Generator. You will see this screen:

Report Generator 1.png

From this screen, click the New button on the toolbar. You will now see this screen:

New Report 1.png

Settings Tab

On the setup tab, you will see the following fields:

Field Description
Report number The unique ID number assigned to this report. The system will automatically use the next available report number. You can overwrite it, but the system will not allow you to use a number that is already assigned to another report
Entity This field will automatically default to the entity you are currently working in. If your organization utilizes multiple entities, there will be a list icon to the right of this field. Click the list icon to select from a list of active entities currently configured within FundWriter Setup
Description Enter a brief description of this report
Report period/thru These dates will automatically default to the reporting period designated on the main Report Generator screen, and cannot be changed on this screen
Report class A single alpha or numeric character linking this report to other reports in the same class. You can elect to run all reports in the same class, if desired, by using the Class to select field on the report-list screen
Report ID Short, alphanumeric code representing the report. Defaults to “FW42”, the program number of Report Generator
Report type Predefined code representing the layout of the report. Currently the following settings are available:
  • User-defined layout
  • Balance Sheet - Creates a standard balance sheet layout
  • Trial Balance - Creates a standard trial balance layout
  • Income Statement - Creates a standard income statement (statement of revenue and expense) layout

For the BS, TB, and INC settings, the lines in the report are created when the report is run, and not individually by the user. There is no way for the user to add or remove accounts, totals, etc. However, you must still define the columns and may edit the report title and header. You may also add endnotes and footnotes. No other type of report line can be added. When the report is run, Report Generator builds the layout on the fly based on the report type:

  • BS: Assets, liabilities, and fund balances
  • INC: Revenue and expense
  • TB: All categories of accounts

The report layout includes the standard headers and totals that have been defined in the chart of accounts

Paper size Click the drop down to select the paper size that should be used for this report
Custom grid If you select the Custom grid box, two additional fields will appear. This will allow you to establish the number of columns and number of rows for this report
Font Click the drop down to select the font that should be used for this report
Negative number format This field establishes how negative numbers are handled on the report output. Click the drop down to select the format you wish to use for negative numbers
Line suppression This field allows you to suppress certain lines if desired; such as lines where all values are credits, lines where all values are debits, or lines where all values are zeros
Expand combined accounts If you wish to expand combined GL accounts, select this option
Print G/L account numbers Select this option to print GL account numbers on the report output
Print G/L account descriptions To print GL account descriptions on the report output, select this option
Print stars with totals If you wish to place stars (**) around the totals on the report output, select this option
"Balance sheet style" rounding This option rounds important numbers. Rounded numbers are more attractive in appearance, which makes them more inviting to read. Balance Sheet Style rounding applies this method to totals, so that the report output is easier to read. This option will ensure the overall totals for categories (such as assets and liabilities) are equal and might round subcategories down or up to accomodate.
Print credit amounts as positive for "normally credit" accounts To print credit amounts as positive for these types of accounts, select this option
Include 13th period adjustments If your organization utilizes the 13th period for accounting, you can opt to include any 13th period adjustments on the report output

G/L Segments Tab

These options are a method of selecting accounts from your organization’s general ledger and indicating how Report Generator should portray them in your report. In some cases you may want to combine all accounts with certain segments and display them on a single line, for example. In others you may want to list them out one by one. These options allow you to set up operations like these at the report level.

When you click the G/L Segments tab, you will see this screen:

New Report 2.png

For each item in the G/L Segment Types area, you can click the drop down to select how the information should be displayed. For example, if you click the field in the Fund line, you will see these options:

New Report 3.png

The options are:

Field Description
Line If line is selected, the report will specify segment values at the report line level
Report Repeats the entire report for each segment value. For example, a specific segment is set to “Report” then four segment values are chosen in the SEGMENT VALUES portion of the screen below. This would repeat the report four times (in a single PDF), once for each segment value
Combine For each report line, adds up all matching general-ledger accounts by trying each of the segment values specified. For example, an organization sets the general-ledger account segment to “Combine” then specifies all the segments to be included. When entering report line items, the segment(s) would not be chosen. When the report is run, Report Generator loops through the values selected under SEGMENT VALUES for valid general-ledger accounts. The results are added and printed on a single line
ListOut Works the same as Combine, except multiple accounts are not added together. Instead they are printed on separate lines
Column Indicates that this segment will have different values for each report column. Only one general-ledger segment should be set to “Column”. If this option is selected, the general-ledger segments in the bottom portion of the screen are not enabled. These must be specified when configuring the report columns

At the bottom of this screen, you have the option of selecting specific G/L segments. These fields only become active if you select Report, Combine or ListOut in the G/L Segment Types area above.

If you select an applicable Segment Type, the fields enable to select the segment(s) that apply for this report. You can type the code or click the list icon to select from a list of applicable segments, based on your Chart of Accounts setup.

When you have finished configuring your GL segments, click back to the Settings tab to proceed with setting up your report.

Setting up the Report Layout

Once you’ve created a new report in Report Generator, you essentially have a blank canvas to which you can begin adding the various components of a custom report. It is only as you begin adding the information you need in the form most meaningful to your organization that a useful report begins to take shape.

A Report Generator report is basically a grid of information consisting of rows and columns. Therefore it is important that you understand how to build a new report by gradually expanding its row and column structure.

Click the Layout button on your toolbar. This message will appear:

New Report 4.png

Click OK to proceed.This screen will now appear:

New Report 5.png

To make the window full-screen, you can click the button in the upper right corner:

New Report 6.png

You are now ready to begin adding columns and lines.

Adding a New Column

The first step is to add columns to your report. Click the Column item on the toolbar and select Add:

New Report 10.png

This will launch the New Column Properties box:

New Report 11.png

There are three tabs for this screen.

Column Properties Tab

The Column Properties tab looks like this:

New Report 11.png

The following fields are available:

Field Description
Column name Give the column a brief descriptive name, such as "YTD Balance"
Column type Click the drop down to select the type of column you are adding. This selection tells Report Generator what information you are looking to report against, such as year to date balances, current period beginning balance, etc. For a complete list of column types and their descriptions, click here: Report Generator Column Types
Hidden column If this option is selected, the column will not be displayed in the printed version of the report
Print vertical line to the left of column If selected, a vertical line will be inserted to the left of the column
Numeric format Click the drop down to select the format you wish to use for numbers in this column
Column suppression Click the drop down to select the column suppression you wish to use, if any. Column suppression has no effect if the entire line has been suppressed. Otherwise, depending on the selection you make, it can cause column values not to print, to change signs, or to print as zeroes
Date source This selection tells the column which date to use. You can select the Report date with period, year offsets, or you can select Date Codes, which will use the Report Start/End dates as defined on the Report Generator main screen
Period offset If you have selected Report date with period,year offsets in the Date Source area, you can tell the report to offset the date by a certain number of periods. For example, you have selected a column type of current period activity, and a date source of report date. However, you want LAST period's activity. So, you would enter a -1 in the Period offset field. This number MUST be a negative number
Year offset If you have selected Report date with period,year offsets in the Date Source area, you can tell the report to offset the date by a certain number of years. For example, you have selected a column type of Year to date balance, and a date source of report date. However, you want LAST year's balance. So, you would enter a -1 in the Year offset field. This number MUST be a negative number
Entity The default for this field is set to Report Default. However, if you want to report on a specific entity for this column, you can click the drop down to select from a list of your organization's entities as configured in FundWriter Setup.
G/L Segments Tab

Once you have established the column properties, click the GL Segments tab:

New Report 12.png

On this screen, you will see the G/L Segment Selections listed. However, as they are not column segments, you cannot modify these selections.

At the bottom of this tab, you have the option to include closing amounts if desired. You can elect to include all closing amounts, display closing activity only, or not include closing amounts.

Column Header and Formatting Tab

When you click the Column Header and Formatting tab, you will see this screen:

New Report 13.png

This tab allows you to format the "look" for the column. You can select the alignment for the column header, set the font type and size, and change the text color and/or background for both the column header and the column itself.

When you have finished making your selections, click OK. Your column will now be added to your report:

New Report 14.png

Repeat these steps for each column that you wish to include in your report.

Adding a New Line

To add a line to your report, click Line on the toolbar and select Add:

New Report 7.png

The system will ask you what type of line you wish to add:

New Report 15.png

It is VERY important that you select the lines in the correct order. If you do not, the report will not generate properly.

For this example, we will select ACCT (G/L Account). The following screen will now appear:

New Report 16.png

This screen allows you to format the properties of the account line. As with the column properties, there are three tabs.

G/L Account Tab

The G/L Account tab looks like this:

New Report 16.png

The following fields are available:

Field Description
Text Enter the line description here. For example "Fund Balances"
Indent If you wish to have the line indent, you can do so. Enter the number of character spaces that should be used for the indent
G/L Segment Selections This is where you tell the system which GL accounts (or segments) you wish to include for this line of the report. If you wish to include only a specific account, you can enter the appropriate segments in each field. Or, you can type the code or click the list to select each segment. Using the Fund example, for instance, you may wish to include all unrestricted funds
Printing Mode The printing mode tells the report how to display all accounts that match the selections you made in the Segment selections. For example, you may wish to print all matching accounts on separate lines (print all), or you may wish to combine them all into a single line of information (combine into one line). You can also have the line accumulate without printing so that it can be later displayed in a subtotal, or subtract without printing. These options calculate a running total without displaying the information on the report output
Include Closing Amounts? If you wish to include closing amounts, you can make that selection here
Amounts Normally This tells the system if matching GL accounts normally debit or debit. You can select the option, or choose to "use defaults", which will use the GL account setting.
Alternate calculation An alternate calculation would be used in special circumstances to alter the way each cell is calculated for the line. All except “Negate amounts” will override the column type:
  • Beginning balance: Only the beginning balance is calculated. (No activity)
  • Activity: Only account activity (transactions) are calculated. (No beginning balances)
  • Debits: Only account debit transactions are calculated.
  • Credits: Only acount credit transactions are calculated.
  • Negate amounts: All amounts for this line are negated

The remaining options simply override the column types for each column

Formatting Tab

When you click the Formatting tab, you will see this screen:

New Report 17.png

You have the following options on this screen:

Field Description
Force dollar sign Most reports don't print dollar signs with numbers except on the first line of the report or after a total. Set this value to “Yes” if you want dollar signs to print on this line
Column indentation Example
Percentage base This option is only used in reports that have a “PC” column type, which is a column showing percentages of a total. Example:
Account #1 $25.00 25%
Account #2 $75.00 75%
Total $100.00 100%

For the total line, the percentage base is set to total backward. This is the most common case. However, it is possible to calculate and print a total, then print accounts below the total that add up to this total. In this case the percentage base would be set to total forward

Line suppression If you wish to suppress the line, click the drop down to select the type of suppression you wish to use. For example, you can tell the report not to print this line if all values are 0, or if the next line is suppressed, etc.
Column suppression This field is rarely used. Click the drop down to view all available options. Column suppression has no effect if the entire line is suppressed. Otherwise, depending upon the option, it can cause values in certain columns not to print, to change signs, or to print as a zeroes

Font/Color Tab

When you click the Font/Color tab, you will see this screen:

New Report 18.png

This tab allows you to set the font size, formatting (bold and/or italic) and the color of both the text and the background.

When you have finished making your selections, click OK. The line will now be added to the report:

New Report 19.png

NOTE: The properties box that appears will vary, depending on the line type that you have opted to add. For a complete list of the available line types and their associated properties boxes, click here: Report Generator Line Types

Continue adding the lines you wish to place on the report. When you are done, you might have a report layout that looks something like this:

New Report 20.png

When you are done modifying the layout, click File and select Exit. You will be returned to the Settings screen:

New Report 21.png

Click Save to retain your changes. This will return you to the Report Generator main screen.