Receipts Inquiry

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Overview of CR030INQ

The Receipts Inquiry screen allows you to search cash receipts for specific items. To run the inquiry:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Daily Cash Processing
  • Double-click Receipts Inquiry. You will see this screen:

Receipts Inquiry 1.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Entered by Enter the user ID you are searching for, or click the list icon to select from a list of users in the system
Amount/thru To search by receipt amount, enter the amount range to search. You can also enter either a beginning or ending amount to search
Batch type To search by Batch type, click the drop down arrow to select from a list of batch types in the system
Check # To search by check #, enter the number in this field
Receipt type To search by payment type, enter the code or codes, separated by commas, or click the list icon to select from a list of active payment type codes in the system
Routing # Enter the routing number you wish to search for
Checking acct To search by checking account, click the drop down arrow to select from a list of active checking accounts set up in the system
Credit card # To search by credit card number, enter the number in this field
Work # To search by work number, enter the work number in this field
Batch # To search by batch number, enter the number in this field
Include voided items If you wish to include voided items in your search, select this option
Batch date/thru Enter the beginning and ending dates of the range you wish to report on. You can type it in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date

Once you have entered your search criteria, click Search. The results will appear as such:

Receipts Inquiry 2.png

To view an item, you can double-click the line item or click it once and then click View Details. This will launch the item viewer:

Receipts Inquiry 3.png

When you have finished viewing the details, click the X in the upper right corner to return to the inquiry results.

You can also view the distribution details of the items matching your search criteria. To do so, click the View Distribution button:

Receipts Inquiry 4.png

The screen will now change to look like this:

Receipts Inquiry 5.png

To begin a new search, click Clear to reset the fields.