Purchase Order Entry

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Overview of PO10

To enter a new purchase order or modify an existing one:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Purchase Order
  • Double-click Purchase Order Entry. You will see a screen similar to this one:

PO Entry 1.png

Adding New Purchase Order

To add a new purchase order, click the New button on the toolbar. You will have these options:

PO Entry 2.png

Select the type of Purchase Order you are entering. Note: All of the fields are the same, regardless of PO type. The selection of type is only used for determining the approval levels (if any) required for the processing of the purchase order.

The system will now prompt you to select a vendor:

PO Entry 3.png

You can choose to scroll to the vendor you wish to enter the purchase order for and double-click the record (or click Select), or click the list icon to the right of the Vendor PIN to launch the FundWriter Name/Address Inquiry. The Purchase Order Entry screen will now appear:

PO Entry 4.png

There are three tabs on the screen.

(PO Type) PO Header tab

The name of this tab will update to reflect the type of PO you selected. For example, if you selected Capital Expense PO, the tab would read Capital Expense PO Header. The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
PO # The PO number will automatically default to the next available number in the system. Display only
Invoiced Amount This field will automatically update based on the total from the Line Items tab. Display only
Status This field will update based on the status of the purchase order. Display only
Invoice Balance due This field will automatically update based on payments made/received against the purchase order. Display only
Vendor Displays the vendor number and name. Display only
Ordered for If applicable, enter the name of the person that the order is being generated for
Orig PO Num If there was an original PO number associated with the PO you are entering, enter that number here
PO Date Enter the date of the purchase order. You can type it in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Ordered by Enter the name of the person submitting the request for purchase order
Promised due date Enter the promised due date for the purchase order. Type the date in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Due date Enter the due date for the purchase order. Type the date in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Office Type the office (area) code or click the list icon to select from a list of active PO Area codes in the system
Department Enter the department code or click the list icon to select from a list of active PO Depts in the system
Bill To Click the envelope icon just above the Bill To field to select from a list of Billing addresses
Project # If applicable, enter the project number that this PO should be associated with
Terms Click the drop down arrow to select from a list of active term codes in the system
Ship via Enter the Ship via code or click the list icon to select from a list of active Ship codes in the system
Memo If desired, enter a brief memo on the purchase order record
Ship To Click the envelope icon just above the Ship To field to select from a list of Shipping addresses
Vendor Address The vendor address will automatically populate. You can click the Edit icon to launch the Name/Address Entry record to modify the address, if desired
A/P Address Click the Envelope icon above the A/P Address field to select the vendor's Accounts Payable address

Line Items tab

When you click the Line Items tab, you will see a screen similar to this one:

PO Entry 5.png

The Order Item Detail screen will automatically launch. The following fields are available on the screen:

Field Description
Item number You can key in the item number or click the list icon to select from a list of active item numbers in the system
Part number Key in the part number or click the list icon to select from a list of part numbers available from this vendor
Quantity Enter the quantity to be ordered
Unit cost Enter the per unit cost
per Enter the unit code or click the list icon to select from a list of active unit codes in the system
Total Cost The system will multiple the quantity by the unit cost to display the Total Cost. This is a display only field
Description The Description will automatically populate from the Item or Part number, but you can override and type a new description if desired
Click to select from Inventory Catalog If your organization utilizes the Inventory module and you wish to select the item to order from the Item Catalog, click the button in the lower left corner of this screen to launch the Item Catalog

When you have entered the information, click OK. The item will be added to the purchase order:

PO Entry 6.png

To add another line, click the Add button on the toolbar. The Order Item Detail screen will appear again. Continue entering items until the purchase order is complete.

Click Save to retain your changes.

Receipts tab

Editing an Existing Purchase Order